Don’t Worry, Get Root Canal Therapy

Don’t Worry, Get Root Canal Therapy

Posted October 30, 2015 by Wager-Evans Dental

Root Canal Therapy without fear Dental anxiety is not uncommon amongst American adults. But few procedures or treatments instill more fear in people than root canal therapy. This could be because of urban myths or simply a fear of the unknown. Either way, it’s important to realize just how beneficial root canal therapy can be, and why it is necessary in many cases to save a tooth. That way you can head to the dentist’s office unafraid of what could be a tooth saving measure. If you value your smile, understanding the restorative options available to help restore it after trouble can be greatly beneficial in ensuring you get to confidently enjoy your precious pearly whites for many years to come.

The Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Unlike a cavity, which can often be treated with a simple filling, root canal treatment only becomes necessary when the interior of a tooth has already become infected. Often this is due to an untreated cavity, or damage, such as a chip or crack that occurred due to either trauma or decay. Once the inside of a tooth is infected, it can become quite painful, which may be why many people believe root canals are scary. If you need one, it’s likely because you’re already experiencing some level of discomfort due to your tooth’s infection.

Rather than living with the pain, or sacrificing the tooth through extraction, root canal therapy can be used to save your tooth, by removing any infected portions and then carefully sealing the area to prevent reinfection. This also helps to restore the function of your smile, which you may not have been able to enjoy since you first developed a cavity, much less an infection.