Signs that You Have Sleep Apnea (Snoring: Pt. 2)

very tired woman Last week, we discussed snoring and how the phenomenon occurs. We also focused on how snoring is often more than it may seem, indicating a disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The term, “apnea,” is Greek, and loosely translated as the cessation of breathing. Many patients are driven to seek a medical diagnosis and treatment by their annoyed sleeping partners, but while the snoring patterns associated with OSA are loud, they don’t usually wake the patient from consciousness. If you sleep alone while OSA robs you of the deep rest you need, then you may experience a wide range of symptoms before realizing that something is wrong. Continue reading “Signs that You Have Sleep Apnea (Snoring: Pt. 2)”

Do You Snore? You Should Read This

trouble sleeping from snoring Sleep apnea describes a condition during which you periodically stop breathing in your sleep, and is often marked by cycles of increasingly loud snoring. Though many patients don’t realize that they can find relief from snoring at their Reno dentists’ office, the truth is that Dr. Wager and Dr. Evans have helped many patients find the quiet rest they deserve by treating the mechanisms behind snoring and sleep apnea. Continue reading “Do You Snore? You Should Read This”

Sleep Apnea Linked to Dementia

Did you know that sleep apnea increases risk for heart attack and depression? A recent study also connects sleep apnea to dementia in elderly females who experience 15 or more sleep apnea episodes per hour.

Sleep apnea is a lapse in breath during sleep. The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive, or OSA. When we sleep, jaw muscles relax. The lower jaw can move slightly backward, allowing soft tissues in the throat and mouth to completely block breathing. Partial blockage often causes snoring – the sound of vibrating soft tissues in the mouth. While not all snorers have OSA, snoring is a symptom of the condition. Continue reading “Sleep Apnea Linked to Dementia”