How Long Will It Take To Receive Porcelain Veneers?

How Long Will It Take To Receive Porcelain Veneers?

Posted February 22, 2017 by Wager-Evans Dental

Receiving porcelain veneers will allow you to cover up multiple flaws with your appearance, while only undergoing a single cosmetic dental procedure. This means you can see a dramatic change to your appearance in a relatively short time, even if you have several concerns about your smile. The process of having porcelain veneers designed, constructed, and placed will involve two visits. At the first visit, your dentist prepares your teeth, and notes the measurements needed to make sure your veneers are a perfect fit. Your follow-up visit will take place after the veneers have been constructed, and sent to your dentist’s office. Once the procedure has been finished, you can enjoy a great new smile that will offer impressive cosmetic support for many years.

Lasting, Remarkable Improvements To Your Smile

Veneers offer major changes, and they offer changes that will last. Your cosmetic restoration is designed with the understanding that they will face considerable stress from actions like biting and chewing. The material is also designed to be resistant to stains, though they are not impervious to discoloration.

Making Sure Your Porcelain Veneers Stay In Great Shape

If you want benefits from porcelain veneers to last, make sure you take care of your smile after you receive them. What will this involve? While your dentist may recommend switching to a non-abrasive toothpaste, your daily oral care habits should stay consistent. Brushing and flossing can remove bacteria and debris that could hurt your veneers. You should also avoid actions that might damage them – for instance, the force from grinding your teeth can cause them to chip, crack, or otherwise break.