Making Sense Of Your Cosmetic Dental Options
Posted July 27, 2016 by Wager-Evans Dental

Choosing Between Dental Bonding And Porcelain Veneers
Dental bonding involves the application of composite resin to any tooth (or teeth) you feel needs cosmetic improvement. This material can change a tooth’s color, shape, or size, depending on what is needed. Porcelain veneers can hide several dental flaws by permanently covering the front of your tooth. Veneers are constructed with a more stain-resistant and durable material type, but dental bonding can be the less expensive option.
There Are Different Types Of Tooth Discoloration
A professional teeth whitening can make short work of the stains that are dulling your smile. Unfortunately, some discoloration is not due to stains, but intrinsic problems. If the latter problem affects your teeth, you can be better served with porcelain veneers, or through dental bonding.
Restoring A Problem Tooth Can Also Benefit Your Appearance
If your problem tooth has a health problem, restorative work might be the cosmetic solution you need. For instance, if a damaged tooth is fitted with a porcelain dental crown, it can look like a natural tooth, and stop being a detriment to your smile.