3 Weekend-Centric Tips For Maintaining Good Oral Health
Posted July 7, 2017 by Wager-Evans Dental

1. Stay Consistent With Your Brushing And Flossing Habits
With a good brushing and flossing routine, you can keep your mouth free of harmful bacteria and food debris, and effectively manage your dental needs. The weekend can free us from much of our normal routine, but you should still carve out time to brush and floss. This will make it easier to fight oral bacteria that could cause gum disease, and can help stop the potential formation of cavities.
2. Limit Your Alcohol Intake
The allure of a week-ending happy hour can be tough to resist. However, excess consumption of alcohol can have consequences for your smile. Drink too much, and you can find yourself dehydrated, and experiencing dry mouth, which will make it harder for your body to fight decay-causing bacteria. Sugary beverages also carry the risk to cause cavities.
3. If You Hit The Road For A Weekend Getaway, Pay Attention To Your Snack Choices
A weekend getaway can help you escape your thoughts of work. If you find yourself making pit-stops to or from your fun destination, be careful with your sugar intake. Items that are sticky can also be trouble, because they stay stuck to teeth and can cause more problems.
Wager-Evans Dental Can Help You Maintain Good Oral Health
You should maintain good oral health practices every day. In addition to care at home, you should be enjoying regular dental care through checkups – Wager-Evans Dental can provide you with a superior treatment experience every time you visit. Located in Reno, NV, we are proud to provide care for residents from South Meadows, Double Diamond, Caughlin Ranch, Donner Springs, Meadowood, Sommersett, Arrow Creek, and all surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation or your next dental appointment, visit our office, or contact us today by calling (775) 800-4845.