A Dental Bridge Can Replace A Lost Tooth
Posted February 5, 2016 by Wager-Evans Dental

How A Dental Bridge Is Placed
Having a dental bridge crafted and placed will typically require two visits. The first visit will enable your dentist to take necessary measurements, and prepare your neighboring teeth, which will need to be crowned. On the second visit, the crowns are placed over the teeth on either side of your gap, with the replacement tooth (or teeth – a bridge can be created that addresses several adjoining absences) affixed to its position. The surrounding crowns offer additional stability, so that the bridge is able to perform daily tasks without loosening.
Responding To Different Levels Of Tooth Loss
A bridge can replace a single tooth, or a few teeth. What about tooth loss that is non-adjacent? Or total tooth loss? In these scenarios, you can replace lost teeth with partial or full dentures. Partial dentures are designed to fit around your remaining teeth, while full dentures completely replace upper or lower teeth. If your neighbor teeth are not healthy enough to be crowned, your dentist can also secure a replacement tooth with a dental implant, which is fused to your jawbone, and becomes the functional equivalent of a tooth root.