How Your Oral Care Habits Can Prevent Oral Health Threats
Posted February 12, 2018 by Wager-Evans Dental
Protecting Yourself Against The Threat Of Gum Disease
Gum disease can seriously impair your overall oral health – if the problem is not treated in time, it can grow serious, and do damage to the tissues supporting your teeth! Patients who allow advanced periodontal problems to develop face a real risk for tooth loss. If you have symptoms of gum disease, your dentist can provide you with a Perio Tray to help fight the infection.
Taking Action Against Tooth Decay
Brushing and flossing allow you to fight a buildup of oral bacteria and food debris, which can create problems with tooth decay. Brushing and flossing will help you limit your risk, as will the professional cleaning provided by your dental hygienist at every checkup.
Checking Your Oral Health For Other Threats During Routine Examinations
Your dentist certainly takes an interest in any signs of tooth decay or gum disease, but these are not the only problems that can impact your smile. At your checkup, your mouth will be thoroughly reviewed for possible signs of trouble, so that the proper diagnosis and treatment can take place.
Talk To Wager-Evans Dental About Preventing Different Oral Health Threats
At Wager-Evans Dental, you can look forward to excellent ongoing care. By combining smart daily care with regular dental exams, you can significantly reduce your chances of experiencing a cavity, or developing gum disease. Located in Reno, NV, we proudly offer care for residents from South Meadows, Double Diamond, Caughlin Ranch, Donner Springs, Meadowood, Sommersett, Arrow Creek, and all surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation or your next dental appointment, contact us today by calling (775) 829-7700.