Keeping Your Gums Healthy Will Reduce Your Tooth Loss Risk
Posted April 13, 2018 by Wager-Evans Dental

Why Advanced Gum Disease Increases Your Risk For Tooth Loss
Individuals who suffer from periodontitis (advanced gum disease) will suffer damage to the supportive bone and soft tissues that keep teeth secure. Over time, that breakdown of material can leave teeth too unstable, and require their extraction. In some cases, they can be lost on their own.
Gum disease can be reversed in its earlier stages, but advanced problems with this condition can be difficult to address. You may need to seek ongoing support from a specialist, depending on the severity of your infection.
Relying On Professional Dental Care To Keep Your Smile In Great Shape
Your dentist can provide prosthetic support for your smile if you need it, including advanced support with dental implants. With that said, you can also rely on regular preventive care to protect you against tooth loss. Regular visits, along with good habits at home, will be valuable in your fight against oral health troubles over the years.
Talk To Wager-Evans Dental About Protecting Your Gums, And Your Smile
At Wager-Evans Dental, you can count on great care for your teeth, and your gums. Our practice offers valuable comprehensive oral health support to all of our patients, and we can help you maintain your best smile! Located in Reno, NV, we proudly welcome residents from South Meadows, Double Diamond, Caughlin Ranch, Donner Springs, Meadowood, Sommersett, Arrow Creek, and all surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation or your next dental appointment, visit our office, or contact us today by calling (775) 829-7700.