Should You See Your Dentist for Bad Breath? 

Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. However, it’s often a treatable condition with the proper dental care. If you’re dealing with persistent bad breath, your dentist in Reno has the right tips and tools to help you solve the problem.

Understanding the Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath can happen for several reasons, so it’s essential to identify the cause to get the proper treatment. Some common factors that contribute to halitosis include:

  • Not brushing or flossing sufficiently allows bacteria to linger and multiply.
  • Certain foods and drinks, like garlic, onions, and coffee, can impact your breath.
  • Tobacco use is a significant contributor to bad breath.
  • Medical conditions like diabetes, sinus infections, and gastrointestinal issues can cause bad breath.
  • Dry mouth occurs when there’s not enough saliva. Saliva is necessary to cleanse the mouth and remove particles that may cause odor.

Dental Care for Fresh Breath

A visit to your Reno dentist is essential if you suffer from bad breath. They can offer several beneficial services that can fresh breath, such as: 

  • Regular Exams & Cleanings

These regular checkups and professional dental cleanings help remove the plaque and tartar that brushing alone can’t tackle and can help your dentist spot any signs of lingering problems that may be causing bad breath, such as gum disease

  • Tailored Dental Hygiene Advice

Your dentist can show you how to brush and floss effectively at home to combat bad breath and maintain a healthy smile.

  • Recommendations For Specific Products

Numerous mouthwashes and toothpaste are designed specifically for halitosis, and your dentist can help you find the best option. 

  • Managing Dry Mouth

Your dentist can recommend various treatments to restore moisture if you suffer from dry mouth.

Steps to Manage Bad Breath at Home

Alongside professional dental care, there are effective measures you can take at home:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing at least twice daily and flossing daily.
  • Use an excellent antibacterial mouthwash to help reduce odor-causing bacteria.
  • Stay hydrated to moisturize the mouth and wash away food particles and bacteria.
  • Stop smoking to improve your oral health and breathing significantly.

If you’re tired of worrying about bad breath, make an appointment with a dentist near you. They are ready to provide the guidance and treatments necessary to help you enjoy a fresh, healthy smile. Don’t let bad breath affect your quality of life—seek professional help and breathe easier today!

How Oral Health Influences Chronic Disease Management

Oral health is a pivotal component of overall wellness, significantly impacting the management and progression of chronic diseases. This intricate relationship emphasizes the need for diligent oral care as a fundamental part of health maintenance and disease prevention. Here, we’ll discuss the crucial link between oral hygiene and systemic health issues and highlight the services our dental office in Reno offers to address these concerns.

Linking Oral and Systemic Health

The connection between oral health and chronic diseases is supported by substantial evidence, illustrating how oral conditions can influence broader health issues such as:

  • Heart Disease: There is a well-documented link between oral health, specifically gum disease, and cardiovascular problems. Bacteria from inflamed gums can enter the bloodstream, contributing to artery blockage and heart disease.
  • Diabetes Management: Poor oral health complicates diabetes management by impacting blood glucose control. Conversely, effective oral hygiene can aid in better diabetes management.
  • Osteoporosis: Conditions like periodontitis can be both a marker and a contributor to osteoporosis, suggesting a link between systemic and oral bone loss.

Benefits of Optimal Oral Health

Investing in oral health is an investment in your overall health. Here are some key benefits:

  • Enhanced Disease Control: Effective oral hygiene can control the bacteria in your mouth, potentially reducing the risk of bacterial migration to other parts of your body, which can complicate existing chronic conditions.
  • Improved Overall Wellbeing: Good oral health contributes to improved general health and can enhance your quality of life by reducing pain, improving sleep, and boosting confidence.
  • Lowered Systemic Inflammation: Regular dental care reduces oral inflammation, which can decrease systemic inflammation, a known risk factor for many chronic diseases.

Dental Services for a Healthy Mouth and Body

Your dentist in Reno provides services that cater specifically to the intersection of oral health and chronic disease management, including:

  • Comprehensive Oral Evaluations: Regular assessments to detect signs of oral health issues before they become serious problems.
  • Targeted Gum Disease Treatment: Advanced treatment options to manage gum disease, helping to mitigate its effects on conditions like heart disease and diabetes.
  • Customized Care Plans: Each patient receives a personalized care plan that addresses their dental and overall health needs.

By ensuring your oral health is in top shape, you’re taking a proactive step toward managing your overall health and preventing chronic diseases. Schedule your appointment today to start on the path to better health. Embrace the role of oral hygiene in living a healthier, fuller life. 

Can Pregnancy Affect Gum Health? 

Pregnancy is such a monumental journey marked by numerous changes, both physical and emotional. While many expectant mothers focus primarily on the overall well-being of their growing baby, it’s essential to remember that pregnancy can also impact a mom’s health in unexpected ways. One area that often receives less attention during pregnancy is oral health, specifically the health of the gums. 

Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common condition characterized by inflammation and infection of the gums. It’s caused by bacteria found in plaque, the sticky film that forms on teeth. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to serious complications, including tooth loss and other health issues such as heart disease and diabetes. While it can happen to anyone, research has shown that hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the risk of developing gum disease. 

Pregnancy Gingivitis

Elevated levels of progesterone can make gums more susceptible to irritation from plaque, leading to inflammation and bleeding. This condition, known as pregnancy gingivitis, affects many expectant mothers and typically occurs during the second trimester. Symptoms may include:

  • Swollen gums 
  • Tender gums
  • Gums that bleed during brushing or flossing

Periodontitis in Pregnant Women

Pregnancy gingivitis can progress to a more severe form of gum disease called periodontitis if left untreated. Periodontitis involves the destruction of the tissues and bones that support the teeth, potentially resulting in tooth loss. Pregnant women with untreated gum disease may also face other complications, including preterm birth and low birth weight.

Preventing Gum Disease

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial during pregnancy to prevent gum disease and protect both maternal and fetal health. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist in Reno regularly for check-ups and cleanings. However, some expectant mothers may be hesitant to seek dental care due to misconceptions about the safety of procedures during pregnancy.

Is it Safe to See a Dentist When I’m Pregnant? 

Fortunately, procedures such as periodontal gum disease treatment in Reno are safe for pregnant women and can help manage gum disease effectively. These treatments may include a deep cleaning such as scaling and root planing to remove plaque and tartar from below the gumline. By addressing gum disease promptly, pregnant women can reduce the risk of complications and maintain optimal oral health throughout pregnancy.

How to Take Off Your Oral Health at Home

In addition to professional dental care, expectant mothers should pay attention to their diet and lifestyle habits to support gum health during pregnancy. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C and calcium, can help strengthen gums and teeth. Avoiding sugary snacks and beverages can also reduce the risk of plaque buildup and gum disease.

Furthermore, managing stress during pregnancy is essential for overall health, including oral health. High levels of stress can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of gum disease. Engaging in relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can help alleviate stress and promote well-being during pregnancy.

Pregnancy can indeed affect a woman’s overall health, including oral health, with hormonal changes increasing the risk of gum disease. However, with proper oral hygiene habits and regular dental care, expectant mothers can minimize this risk and maintain healthy gums throughout pregnancy. Getting a checkup every six months and a routine dental cleaning in Reno are the best ways to catch and address gum disease early and ensure optimal oral health for both mother and baby.

What Does The Early Stage of Gum Disease Look Like? 

When your dentist in Reno talks about gum disease, we’re not just talking about its risks to oral health. The truth is, gum disease has also been linked to several whole-body concerns, such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems, and certain types of cancer. However, there is good news. Gum disease can be treated and reversed if it’s caught in the early stages. Therefore, it’s important to know what the early stages of gum disease look like. 

Two Main Stages of Gum Disease

Gum disease can be broken down into two main stages – gingivitis and periodontitis. 

  • Gingivitis

The very first stage of gum disease is gingivitis. It’s during this stage when your dentist in Reno can often treat and reverse gum disease successfully. However, the trick is to catch it in this early stage. Some ways you may be able to tell that you have gingivitis are by looking out for the following signs:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Puffy, swollen gums
  • Bad breath

Keep in mind that sometimes gingivitis won’t show many or any symptoms. It’s important to always see your dentist every six months so they can monitor changes in oral health and catch potential problems early. 

  • Periodontitis 

If gingivitis isn’t treated and it progresses into periodontitis, the chances of the disease being reversed become less and less likely, if not impossible. Periodontitis essentially means that more than just the gum tissues are affected at this point, and it’s now worked its way into the bone. There are various stages of periodontitis. 

Stage 1: Gums will start to pull away from the teeth, known as gum recession. This creates pockets where food and bacteria can settle in. The connective tissues between teeth and bone are minorly affected. 

Stage 2: Gum recession and bone loss continue to become more noticeable and extreme in the second stage of periodontitis. Teeth may also become loose or wiggly. 

Stage 3: The advanced stage of periodontitis is a classification used when there is more than 50% bone loss. There’s also a good chance that some teeth have already fallen out, and more will follow. 

Avoiding Gum Disease

The most common cause of gum disease is poor dental hygiene, so one of the best ways to avoid getting gum disease is to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Smokers are also more likely to develop gum disease than non-smokers. Avoid smoking or using any type of tobacco. Lastly, it’s crucial that you see your dentist in Reno twice a year for preventive checkups, cleanings, and x-rays so they can keep an eye out for the early signs of gum disease and treat it proactively. 

Diabetes & Oral Health

November is Diabetes Awareness Month and strives to raise awareness of a chronic disease that affects nearly 30 million Americans. But what does this have to do with your dentist in Reno? Well, the truth is, there is a strong connection between oral health and diabetes, and it’s ever more important for diabetics to take care of their teeth. In fact, research shows that diabetes can result in complications throughout the body including heart, kidney, nerve, eye, and gum disease. Here are a few easy ways to protect your teeth and your overall health. 

The Importance of Oral Hygiene

One of the best ways for diabetics and non-diabetics to reduce their risk of gum disease is to practice good oral hygiene. This means brushing your teeth at least twice a day, gently brushing your tongue, and flossing daily. However, just quickly brushing or using the wrong tools won’t do much to protect your teeth. Make sure you brush for two minutes, use fluoride toothpaste to protect teeth against decay, and use gentle circular motions to effectively remove plaque and bacteria without damaging your enamel. 

Additionally, it’s also incredibly important to see your dentist in Reno at least every six months for a deeper professional cleaning that will remove plaque buildup that at-home brushing alone won’t touch.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Diabetics know just how important it is to choose healthy foods to maintain their blood sugar levels. But eating a well-balanced diet can also help protect oral and overall health. Fresh crunchy fruits and crisp vegetables can fuel your body with essential nutrients and can also help gently scrub bacteria off of your teeth in between brushings. And of course, your dentist in Reno would caution anyone, especially diabetics, of eating too much sugar. This includes hidden sugars that are often found in foods with a lot of carbohydrates. Make sure to work with your doctor to find a dietary plan that works for you and your body. 

Check Your Blood Sugar Regularly

While this is a regular part of every diabetic’s life, checking and maintaining healthy blood glucose levels is crucial to protecting your health. This is true for oral health, too. If your numbers are not controlled properly, you can experience loose teeth, gum disease, and other issues. But that’s not all. If there is an infection such as gum disease in the body, blood glucose levels will become elevated and can be difficult to control. 

Our dental office in Reno is dedicated to doing our part to help raise awareness about how diabetes can affect oral health during Diabetes Awareness Month and all year long. To help us better care for you, make sure to share your health history with your dental team and discuss any changes in your mouth or overall health with your dentist at each visit.

4 Things That Cause Teeth to Fall Out



When many of us think about losing our teeth, we may assume that this is something that just happens as we get older. But, according to the American Dental Association, more Americans are keeping their teeth longer than ever before, which is great news! However, this doesn’t just happen naturally and there are things we need to do to increase our chances of keeping all of our teeth for life. Because of this, your dentist in Reno wants to share some of the most common things that cause teeth to fall out so you can do everything you can to avoid them. 

Gum Disease

The number one cause of tooth loss in American adults is gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Gum disease occurs when bacteria work their way up under the gum tissue and settle in, causing an infection. This infection can be treated if caught early, but if it’s not taken care of, it will begin to destroy both the gum tissue and the jaw bone — both of which help hold teeth in place. Without this support structure, teeth will become loose and eventually fall out. 


Almost all of us have experienced at least one cavity and know the discomfort that can come along with it. The reason cavities hurt is that a cavity is essentially a tiny hole in a tooth that may affect the inner workings of the tooth where the nerves and roots are held. The result is the all too familiar zing of tooth pain. Cavities can be treated quickly and easily by your dentist in Reno if they’re caught early. However, when they’re left untreated, cavities can destroy a tooth from the inside out and either require a root canal or result in a lost tooth. 

Accidents or Trauma

Even if you take perfect care of your teeth you may still experience tooth loss as a result of an accident or trauma. Tooth loss is an incredibly common side effect of many sports injuries and even car accidents or falls. While we can’t do much to completely avoid accidents or trauma to our teeth, we can take certain preventive measures such as wearing a mouthguard every time we play a sport. 

Whole-Body Health Concerns

Other common causes of tooth loss in adults don’t initially appear to have anything to do with the mouth and actually originate and directly affect other areas of the body. However, there is a strong correlation between what happens in our bodies and what happens in our mouths. Therefore, there are several whole-body health concerns that can increase the risk of tooth loss, such as: 

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Poor Diet
  • Arthritis

Nobody wants to experience tooth loss, but the good news is there are some simple things you can do to give yourself the best chance of keeping your teeth for life. Make sure you brush and floss your teeth every single day, avoid smoking or using tobacco products, and of course, see your dentist in Reno at least every six months for regular checkups and cleanings

Can You Fix Receding Gums?

Have you ever wondered why your teeth are extra sensitive, especially when drinking something cold or even when you touch your teeth? There’s a chance that you may have receding gums. If left untreated, gum recession can cause even more sensitivity, an increase in tooth decay, and tooth loss. To make matters worse, once gum recession occurs, it can’t be reversed. However, your dentist in Reno can still help. 

What’s It Mean If You Have Receding Gums? 
Receding gums, or gum recession, essentially means that your gum tissue has started to pull away from your teeth, exposing the roots. Once tooth roots are exposed, they’re left unprotected from the elements including hot and cold beverages – and maybe even your toothbrush. The result is shooting sensitive tooth pain. Gum recession also makes it easier for bacteria to settle into these newly created crevices and cause decay. Lastly, healthy gums are responsible for holding teeth sturdy in place, but receding gums weaken that hold and can result in tooth loss. As we’ve mentioned above, once gum recession starts, there’s no way to regrow lost gum tissue. However, there are still treatment options available, and your dentist in Reno can help you find the best way to treat gum recession.  

How to Treat Receding Gums
Gum recession treatment is highly dependent on the individual case, what caused the recession in the first place, and the severity of the recession. While the effects of gum recession can’t necessarily be reversed, there are ways to prevent further damage and strengthen remaining tissue. Some treatment options include: 

  • Scaling & Root Planing: If gum recession is in the early stages and you seek care quickly, your dentist will probably recommend a scaling and root planing. This deeper dental cleaning focuses on both the tooth surfaces as well as under the gum line and the tooth roots. It helps remove plaque and tartar that brushing or a regular dental cleaning just won’t touch and smooth out tooth roots to help prevent bacteria from latching on and sticking around. This procedure is often done with a local numbing anesthetic. 
  • Antibiotics: Another treatment option for gum recession is the temporary use of antibiotics. This treatment is typically used in conjunction with scaling and root planing and helps rid the mouth of any bacteria that may still be lurking. 
  • Surgical Techniques: The final treatment for gum recession that we’d like to cover today is gum surgery. Please note that just because you’ve been told you have receding gums – doesn’t mean you’ll automatically need surgery. This treatment is often reserved for the most severe cases. There are several gum surgery techniques available and your dentist in Reno will be able to help you determine if surgery is appropriate for you and which type of surgery will be best. 

There is a multitude of things that can cause gum recession, and this is probably why it’s an incredibly common dental problem that affects many people. Some causes of gum recession include: 

  • Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard
  • Grinding and Clenching
  • Gum Disease
  • Trauma

Even though there is no way to reverse gum recession, there are ways to treat it effectively. There are also some easy ways to help prevent receding gums in the first place. To best protect yourself, brush and floss every day (but don’t brush too hard!) and see your dentist in Reno twice a year.

Protect Your Heart, See Your Dentist in Reno

Seeing your dentist in Reno in order to protect your heart may seem like strange advice, but in fact, there is a strong connection between oral health and heart health. To help celebrate Heart Health Month this February, we’d like to educate our patients and neighbors on just how important regular dental care is to protect not only your mouth but also your heart.   

The Link Between Gum Disease and Heart Disease

The main connection between oral health and heart health lies in the gums. Years of research support a positive correlation between gum disease and the increased risk for complications with heart health. In fact, the Academy of General Dentistry states that those with gum disease are more likely to suffer a heart attack than those without gum disease. But how does gum health directly affect heart health? It all has to do with the way gum inflammation and infection can affect your heart. 

How Can Gum Infections Give You a Heart Attack?

Even though infection of the gums may seem like no cause for concern, nothing could be farther from the truth. Not only does gum disease put your whole body at risk for problems such as diabetic complications and lung conditions, but it can also directly affect your heart health. When gums become infected, the bacteria that caused the infection in the first place aren’t isolated to just the mouth. They can easily enter the bloodstream and cause your body to over-produce something called C-reactive protein (CRP). Increased levels of CRP is a known precursor to heart attacks. According to The New England Journal of Medicine, elevated CRP levels can be more accurate at predicting a heart attack than high cholesterol. 

Signs of Gum Disease

Knowing the signs of gum disease can go a long way in getting it treated early before your risk of other health concerns increases. Some common symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Swollen, red, or tender gums
  • Bleeding while brushing or flossing 
  • Consistently bad breath 
  • Chronic bad taste in the mouth
  • Loose teeth 
  • Gums that appear to be pulling away from the teeth

What You Do to Protect Yourself 

The best way to protect yourself from the dangers of gum disease is to practice good oral hygiene habits at home as well as visit your dentist in Reno at least twice a year for regular checkups. Make sure to brush and floss every single day to remove bacteria and plaque buildup, try to eat a well-balanced diet with limited sugary and acidic foods, and of course, avoid tobacco. It’s also important to share any health problems, changes in your health history, and medications with your dentist at each visit. 

This Heart Health Month, and every month, take the steps to protect your oral health. It may just save your life. 

Taking Action To Prevent Periodontal Troubles

Why is it so important to take action when you have periodontal troubles? When you suffer a cavity, the damage that results from decay can cause serious complications. You can reach a point where an infection spreads to your pulp, damages the living tissue housed in this space, and continues to spread to your jawbone. What happens when you let periodontal troubles escalate? You might not realize it, but the biggest risk factor when it comes to adult tooth loss concerns your gum health. Advanced periodontal infections lead to the destruction of bone and soft tissue that support your teeth. If you want to make sure that your gums stay healthy – and that your smile stays complete – make sure to communicate periodontal concerns to your Reno, NV dental practice. Continue reading “Taking Action To Prevent Periodontal Troubles”

Quiz: How Much Do You Really Know About Gum Disease?

You do not need to be an expert in the dental field to benefit from more knowledge about gum disease. If the problem is not sufficiently addressed, it can put your oral health, and your regular health, in jeopardy. Research has actually found possible links between gum disease and a person’s risk for heart disease – your periodontal health is not a minor concern. While the effects can be serious, gum disease can be easily identified and treated. Your dentist can recognize signs of trouble during a routine preventive dental visit. You can also recognize signs of trouble if your gums appear red or swollen. It may also be the root cause of chronic bad breath. Your dentist can provide support with a Perio Tray, which allows you to take targeted action against an infection in your gum tissue.  Continue reading “Quiz: How Much Do You Really Know About Gum Disease?”