Take Our Cosmetic Dentistry Quiz!
Posted April 6, 2016 by Wager-Evans Dental
True Or False: Teeth Whitening With Your Visits Will Take Two Visits To Complete
False! Your dentist can actually complete a teeth whitening treatment in a single visit. You can also elect to perform whitening treatments yourself, in the comfort of your own home. Your dentist can provide you with the resources you need.
True Or False: Dental Bonding Can Fix A Tooth With Serious Physical Damage
False! While dental bonding can cover up cosmetic flaws that stem from physical injuries, serious damage is likely to require some kind of restorative dental treatment. If the living tissue in your tooth is disrupted, you may need a root canal. If the tooth’s structure is compromised, a dental crown may be needed.
True Or False: Porcelain Veneers Can Correct Problems With The Shape And The Color Of Teeth
True! When you elect to receive veneers, you will be provided with a custom-made porcelain shell that looks like a set of attractive teeth, based on the kind of smile you want to show off to the world. They can also help with improving the color of your smile.