Taking Care Of Those Unsightly Smile Flaws With Veneers
Posted July 23, 2018 by Wager-Evans Dental

Designing And Placing Custom-Made Porcelain Veneers
Veneers are made from an incredibly resilient porcelain material that can remain in place, and in good condition, over the years. The placement process involves two appointments. You need to go in for an initial evaluation, and to have your teeth measured for your veneers. Your dentist can provide preparatory work to make sure veneers stay firmly in place, and do not protrude. When your custom veneers are created, you will go back to have them affixed to your teeth. Veneers, like your natural teeth, can be damaged by bad habits and poor oral care. Make sure you keep up with brushing and flossing, and limit your exposure to dark liquids that can potentially cause stains.
Finding The Right Way To Keep Your Smile Looking Great
Having an evaluation to find the right solution to your cosmetic concerns can lead to helpful information, and great results. You might be surprised at what your dentist can do for you, and what the best approach might be to address your concerns. For instance, you may assume that a teeth whitening treatment is the “right” way to deal with discoloration. What you might not realize is that your concern is over intrinsic discoloration, something veneers could be better equipped to address.
Talk To Wager-Evans Dental About Receiving Porcelain Veneers
At Wager-Evans Dental, individuals who want to make real changes to their appearance can be excited by what porcelain veneers provide. Located in Reno, NV, we proudly welcome people from South Meadows, Double Diamond, Caughlin Ranch, Donner Springs, Meadowood, Sommersett, Arrow Creek, and all other nearby communities. To schedule a consultation, contact us today by calling (775) 829-7700.