What You Can Do If Teeth Whitening Does Not Help Your Teeth
Posted March 24, 2016 by Wager-Evans Dental

Cosmetic Whitening Agents Are Designed To Treat Stains In Your Enamel
Cosmetic whitening agents are intended to break apart the stains that have settled in your tooth enamel. If you have noticed changes in your tooth color over time due to your consumption of products that have darker or richer colors, whitening can be an ideal treatment. Some forms of discoloration are considered intrinsic, meaning they are not as simple as accumulated stains. They can come from an injury to a tooth, or from the effects of taking certain types of medicines.
Alternate Methods Of Improving Tooth Color
If whitening does not take care of your teeth in a way that satisfies you, there are other options. If you elect to receive porcelain veneers, you can cover up discoloration, as well as other flaws on your teeth. Veneers are custom-crafted specifically for your needs, and are permanently bonded over the front of your teeth. While the porcelain is a stain-resistant material, you should still avoid foods and drinks that may cause discoloration. If you are interested in restoring the color of an injured tooth, dental bonding can fix the appearance of damage.