Reno Family Dentists: What You Should Know Before Jumping in Your Pool
Posted June 21, 2013 by Wager-Evans Dental

Can Swimming Pools Damage Teeth?
If you’re picturing an accidental slip that results in a damaged tooth or damaged teeth, you may be surprised by what follows. The damage in question here has nothing to do with trauma. Instead it has to do with pool water that has not been maintained properly. Recent research out of NYU suggests that pool water with an improper pH balance can contribute to rapid enamel loss, weakening teeth and making them more susceptible to tooth decay.
The researchers from NYU arrived at this conclusion after studying a case in which a man suffered from rapid enamel loss and the development of dark stains on his teeth during a five-month period. The changes in his teeth coincided with his implementation of a new workout regimen that involved 90 minutes of swimming in his privately owned, backyard pool. After failing to find any other potential causes for the damage to this man’s teeth, the researchers came to the conclusion that the water in the man’s pool, which was at an improper pH balance, was responsible for the damage to his teeth.
In considering this study, your Reno family dentists, Dr. Wager and Dr. Evans, would like to caution pool owners to take care when maintaining their pools. Pool maintenance is very important, and if you are unfamiliar with proper maintenance practices, seek out professional help in your area.
Schedule a Visit with Your Reno Family Dentists
Have you attended a dental visit recently? If your last cleaning was more than six months ago, you are due for another. Contact our 89502 dentist office today at 775-829-7700 to schedule an appointment or a consultation with your Reno family dentists, Dr. Wager and Dr. Evans. We are proud to serve patients in Reno, Sparks, Sun Valley, Spanish Springs, and surrounding communities.