A Quiz on Types of Teeth
Posted September 16, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental

Q1. True or false: What most of us refer to as “baby teeth” are technically called primary teeth.
Q2. True or false: The dental cap is the name for the part of a tooth which is the visible, white part that extends above the gumline.
Q3. True or false: The dental roots extend under the gumline and anchor your tooth to your jawbone.
Q4. True or false: Aside from the third molars (wisdom teeth) your mouth contains four other types of teeth.
Q5. True or false: Your teeth contain three different kinds of tissue: enamel, dentin, and pulp.
Q1. TRUE – Baby (primary) teeth begin to develop as early as the second trimester of pregnancy and begin to erupt from the gumline at around six months of age. Baby teeth normally begin to fall out and are replaced by adult, permanent teeth between the ages of six and twelve years old.
Q2. FALSE – A tooth consists of two basic parts. The crown is the only part that is visible above the gum line.
Q3. TRUE—The root is the other part of a tooth’s structure, and it is situated under the gumline and anchored to the jawbone.
Q4. TRUE – Incisors are the eight front center teeth (four on top, four on bottom). They are used to bite into your food. Canines are your sharpest teeth and are used for ripping and tearing food. Premolars, or bicuspids, are for chewing and grinding food. There are four premolars on each side of the mouth, two upper and two lower. Primary molars are also used for grinding and chewing food, and usually come in permanently between 11 and 13 years of age.
Q5. FALSE—Don’t forget about cementum, which secures the tooth root to the jawbone. It covers the root, but is softer than enamel. The best protection for cementum is proper gum care. If the gums become irritated and shrink or recede, the cementum and tooth root will be exposed to bacterial infection.
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