Enjoy Improvements Sooner With Bonding And Contouring

If you want to make cosmetic improvements to your smile, you may feel as though you will have to undergo and involved process. What you should know is that there are procedures capable of making big improvements that can take less time than you expect. Patients who elect to use bonding and contouring treatments to improve how they look can have their results after just one appointment. These treatments, which your dentist can typically perform in the same session, have the ability to improve multiple esthetic concerns. Continue reading “Enjoy Improvements Sooner With Bonding And Contouring”

Can Whitening Agents Address My Discolored Smile?

If you have discolored teeth, you can feel self-conscious during any moment that would call for you to smile. This can make you uncomfortable during photos, upon meeting new people, or in other social situations. For many patients, the problem with their teeth color comes from a buildup of enamel stains. Discoloration will occur when your teeth take on stains from dark or color-rich foods and drinks, or from tobacco products. If this describes your situation, you can benefit from the use of professional whitening agents provided by your dentist. However, those with intrinsic discoloration can require a different treatment method. Continue reading “Can Whitening Agents Address My Discolored Smile?”

Big Oral Health Improvements With Comprehensive Dental Care

A dental practice that can provide comprehensive dental services offers convenience, and the promise of care that can address any issues you might have. Comprehensive dental care can be especially helpful to those patients who require multiple treatments to improve their oral health. This means you can receive help for threats like gum disease and tooth decay, while also receiving help with concerns like tooth loss. In addition to tending to your oral health, your comprehensive dental practice can also make cosmetic dental work available to you. Continue reading “Big Oral Health Improvements With Comprehensive Dental Care”

Quiz: Life With Porcelain Veneers

If you are unsure of how the presence of porcelain veneers will affect your oral care needs, you may hesitate to inquire about them. The idea that your veneers are permanently placed on your teeth can give you pause. You may wonder how you protect them from harm, how they impact what you eat and drink, and how your brushing and flossing habits might be impacted. What you should know is that your daily dental care responsibilities will see little change after this cosmetic dental procedure. You should be thoughtful about what you choose to eat and drink, but you should know that your veneers are designed to resist staining, and are built to last. Continue reading “Quiz: Life With Porcelain Veneers”

One Whitening Treatment Can Have A Big Impact On Your Smile

You can carefully brush and floss your teeth, and keep up with preventive dental appointments, and stay free of cavities, yet still have stains in your enamel gather. Patients can often be frustrated by how their teeth have grown dull over time, and become further frustrated still when a store bought product has limited success correcting this issue. What you should know is that with one professional whitening treatment, you can make a big improvement to your teeth. The bleaching gels used by your dentist attack below the surface of teeth, and make the kind of impact that leads to teeth being many shades brighter. Continue reading “One Whitening Treatment Can Have A Big Impact On Your Smile”

How Tooth Bonding And Contouring Can Change Your Smile

The goal of cosmetic dental work – a better smile – is straightforward, even if the path needed to reach that goal differs from patient to patient. One approach that can often be of benefit to patients is cosmetic bonding and contouring. This sequence of treatments makes it possible to reshape, resize, and whiten a problem tooth. These procedures can be performed together, and you may be able to leave with your results after just a single appointment. If you want to know if bonding and contouring will be appropriate for you, or if you have any other questions about cosmetic care, your dentist can outline your options during a cosmetic consultation. Continue reading “How Tooth Bonding And Contouring Can Change Your Smile”

How Comprehensive Dental Care Benefits Your Smile

What do you gain by selecting a family dentist who can offer comprehensive dental care? Having access to a dental office where you can enjoy a range of services means it will be more convenient to arrange treatments. It also means that when your dentist sees something wrong, they can take steps to correct the issue – you are less likely to be shuttled off from one professional to the next in order to fully fix a problem. Comprehensive care means more than just taking care of your oral health, as your dentist can offer different cosmetic dental treatments, too. Continue reading “How Comprehensive Dental Care Benefits Your Smile”

Addressing The Cosmetic Impact Of Fluorosis

For many people who exhibit signs of fluorosis, the effect on their smile is hard to notice. The telltale signs for milder cases, often white lines or streaks in teeth, may only be visible when your teeth are studied. That being said, other patients will have more prominent indicators which can affect their appearance. Fluorosis is not a condition that threatens your oral health. However, because it can disrupt your appearance, people who have teeth affected by it can be interested in cosmetic dental treatment to hide its effects. Continue reading “Addressing The Cosmetic Impact Of Fluorosis”

Your Options For Addressing Smile Discoloration

Smile discoloration is capable of making you unhappy with what could be an otherwise healthy set of teeth. There is no single cause for this problem. One patient might seek help to address stains from a habit of smoking, while another might need to do something about discoloration caused by the eroding of enamel layers. Your dentist offers several different cosmetic dental treatments, including a professional whitening treatment. However, because patients have different discoloration caused by different issues, different responses can be recommended. If you feel unsure of what the right response might be, you can learn more about your individual needs with a cosmetic consultation. Continue reading “Your Options For Addressing Smile Discoloration”

Can You Fit Cosmetic Dental Work Into Your Schedule?

You may want to do something about cosmetic dental flaws, but find it hard to imagine you will be able to fit a treatment into your schedule. If you are unfamiliar with the procedures your dentist can offer, you may assume this will involve a commitment of time that you simply will not be able to accept. What you should know is that there are cosmetic procedures that can be completed in less time than you might realize. In the case of a teeth whitening treatment, you can actually see results thanks to treatments you perform at home! Continue reading “Can You Fit Cosmetic Dental Work Into Your Schedule?”