What Can Cause Teeth to Look Transparent?

Have you noticed your teeth looking a bit see-through lately? If so, you might wonder what caused this and how to fix it. While this may start as a cosmetic concern, the truth is that transparent teeth can indicate underlying dental issues. So, let’s check out why teeth may appear transparent and what you can do to transform your appearance and maintain a healthy smile. 

Causes of Transparent Teeth

Several factors can make your teeth look transparent, including:

  • Enamel Erosion

Enamel, the hard outer layer of your teeth, can wear away over time, leading to transparency.

  • Acidic Foods and Beverages

Regularly consuming acidic foods and drinks, like soda and citrus fruits, can erode enamel.

  • Teeth Grinding

Grinding your teeth, also known as bruxism, can wear down enamel, especially during sleep.

  • Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions like celiac disease can affect enamel health and cause transparency.

How to Prevent Teeth From Looking Transparent

To keep your enamel strong and prevent your teeth from becoming transparent, follow these tips:

  • Gentle Brushing

When it comes to brushing your teeth, scrubbing harder isn’t necessarily better. In fact, it can cause damage to the enamel. It’s best to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently.

  • Smart Eating

Avoiding or limiting your intake of acidic foods and beverages can also help protect your tooth enamel. If you do consume acidic food or drinks, make sure to rinse your mouth with water afterward.

  • Staying Hydrated

Drinking water after eating or drinking something acidic is good. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is even better. A well-hydrated mouth helps wash away acids and bacteria that can harm enamel.

  • Protecting Against Tooth Grinding

If you grind your teeth at night, wearing a nightguard can protect your enamel against the wear and tear of your upper and lower teeth, constantly rubbing against each other. 

Treatment for Transparent Teeth

If your teeth are already showing signs of transparency, cosmetic dentistry in Reno can help:

  • Dental Bonding

Your dentist will apply a tooth-colored resin to your teeth to cover transparent areas and improve appearance.

  • Veneers

Dental veneers are custom-made shells placed over the front of your teeth to cover imperfections and enhance their look.

  • Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride isn’t something that will take away the transparent appearance, but it can help strengthen enamel and protect your teeth.

If you notice your teeth becoming transparent, it is important to see a dentist in Reno. They can identify the cause and recommend the best treatment options. 

Teeth can become transparent due to enamel erosion and other factors. Understanding the causes and taking preventive steps can protect your enamel and keep your teeth strong. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential for maintaining oral and enamel health. 

For more information or to book a consultation, contact our Reno dental office. We’re dedicated to helping you keep your smile looking its best!

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity During Whitening Treatment

Tooth whitening is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure that brightens your smile significantly. However, it can sometimes lead to tooth sensitivity, a common side effect experienced by many. This discomfort is usually temporary but can make your teeth more susceptible to hot and cold temperatures. If you’re considering tooth whitening and are concerned about sensitivity, here are several effective strategies to minimize discomfort.

Choose the Right Whitening Product

Before starting any whitening treatment, speaking with your Reno dentist is essential. They can recommend effective and gentle products on your teeth and will give you the results you’re looking for.

  • Professional Products: Professional tooth whitening treatments available at dental offices are specifically formulated to reduce sensitivity. These products often include desensitizing agents that can help protect your teeth during whitening.
  • Over-the-Counter Options: For those opting for over-the-counter whitening kits, look for products labeled as suitable for sensitive teeth. These usually have lower concentrations of bleaching agents, which can help minimize discomfort during treatment.

Prepare Your Teeth

  • Strengthen Your Enamel: Use toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth for several weeks before starting your whitening treatment. These toothpastes typically contain potassium nitrate, which helps to block the tiny tubules in the dentin.
  • Fluoride Treatment: Consider getting a professional fluoride treatment at your dentist’s office. Fluoride can help strengthen your enamel, making your teeth less sensitive to the whitening agents.

During the Whitening Process

  • Follow Directions: Always use whitening products according to the directions. Overusing whiteners can do more harm than good.
  • Shorter Duration: If you experience sensitivity, reduce the time you leave the whitening agent on your teeth. Sometimes, even a slight adjustment can make a significant difference.

Aftercare is Key

  • Avoid Hot or Cold: After whitening, avoid extremely hot or cold beverages for a couple of days, as your teeth may be more sensitive.
  • Soft Toothbrush: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and lukewarm water for brushing. This can help reduce the risk of further irritating your teeth.

Tooth whitening is a fantastic way to improve the appearance of your smile, but it is essential to approach it carefully to avoid discomfort. You can significantly reduce the risk of tooth sensitivity by choosing the right products, preparing your teeth properly, and following the recommended guidelines Remember, for the best results and a pain-free experience, consider visiting a dentist in Reno before you begin any whitening treatment. They can provide professional treatments and guidance tailored to your dental needs.

A 10-Step Guide to Dental Cleanings

Maintaining oral health is crucial for a healthy smile and overall well-being. Regular dental cleanings play a pivotal role in achieving this goal. However, not everyone is comfortable going to their Reno dentist. But we believe that knowing what to expect during a dental cleaning is a key step in overcoming discomfort and getting the care you need and deserve. So let’s delve into the comprehensive steps involved in this essential dental procedure.

Step 1: Appointment Scheduling

The journey to a healthy smile begins with scheduling an appointment with a dentist in Reno at least every six months. Dental cleanings are often recommended twice a year to ensure your oral health is consistently monitored and any potential issues are addressed promptly.

Step 2: Welcome and Assessment

Upon arriving at your dentist’s office, you’ll be warmly welcomed by the dental staff. An initial assessment will be conducted to gather information about your medical history, any changes in your overall health, and specific concerns or issues you may have with your oral health.

Step 3: X-rays and Diagnostics 

To get a comprehensive view of your oral health, your dentist may take some X-rays. These images help identify any underlying issues, such as cavities, gum disease, or other abnormalities that may not be visible during a visual examination. The diagnostic procedures are tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Step 4: Oral Examination

Once the diagnostic procedures are complete, your dentist will conduct a thorough oral examination. This involves checking your teeth, gums, tongue, and other oral tissues for signs of decay, inflammation, or abnormalities. The dentist will also assess your bite and jaw joint for any issues.

Step 5: Professional Dental Cleaning

The highlight of the appointment is the professional dental cleaning. However, it’s important that the other steps are completed before a cleaning so that your dental team can cater to your specific needs. During this step, a dental hygienist will use specialized tools to remove plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth and along the gumline, which is crucial in preventing cavities and gum disease, as even the most diligent at-home oral care routine may miss certain areas. 

Step 6: Scaling and Polishing

To eliminate stubborn plaque and tartar, the dental hygienist will perform scaling, a process that involves carefully and gently scraping off these deposits from the teeth. Following scaling, the teeth are polished using a gritty paste and a rotating brush to remove surface stains and create a smooth, clean surface.

Step 7: Fluoride Treatment

In some cases, a fluoride treatment may be recommended, especially for patients at a higher risk of developing cavities. Fluoride helps strengthen the enamel, making it more resistant to decay. The treatment is usually applied topically in the form of a gel or varnish.

Step 8: Oral Health Education

As part of the comprehensive care, your dental team will provide personalized oral health education. This includes guidance on proper brushing and flossing techniques, advice on maintaining a balanced diet for optimal oral health and addressing any specific concerns you may have.

Step 9: Treatment Planning

If any dental issues are identified during the examination, your dentist in Reno will discuss treatment options and develop a personalized treatment plan. This may include additional procedures, such as cavity fillings, periodontal therapy, or other necessary interventions to restore and maintain your oral health.

Step 10: Scheduling Follow-Up Appointments

Before leaving the office, you’ll schedule your next dental cleaning appointment. Regular follow-ups are essential to ensure that your oral health is consistently monitored and any potential issues are addressed promptly.

Dental checkups and cleanings are a fundamental aspect of maintaining a healthy smile. If you’ve ever felt uncomfortable at a dental office, rest assured that your local dentist is committed to providing top-notch care. By following these comprehensive steps, you can approach your next dental cleaning with confidence, knowing that you’re taking proactive steps toward optimal oral health. Remember, a healthy smile contributes to a healthier you!

The Pros and Cons of Dental Veneers

As we usher in the New Year, many of us embark on a journey of self-improvement, and for some, that may include enhancing their smile through cosmetic dentistry performed by their dentist in Reno. Dental veneers are a popular option for achieving a dazzling smile, but like any dental procedure, they come with their own set of pros and cons. If you’re considering a smile makeover in the coming year, it’s essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of dental veneers to make an informed decision.

Pros of Dental Veneers

  • Cosmetic Transformation

Dental veneers are renowned for their ability to deliver a dramatic cosmetic transformation. Whether you’re dealing with stained, chipped, or misaligned teeth, veneers can provide a seamless and aesthetically pleasing solution. They can instantly improve the color, shape, and alignment of your teeth, giving you the confidence to showcase your radiant smile.

  • Natural Appearance

One of the significant advantages of dental veneers is their ability to mimic the natural appearance of teeth. Veneers are crafted from high-quality materials such as porcelain, which closely resembles the translucency of natural tooth enamel. This results in a smile that not only looks beautiful but also appears entirely natural.

  • Stain Resistance

Unlike natural teeth, dental veneers are highly resistant to staining from food and beverages. This means that your smile will remain vibrant and unaffected by common culprits like coffee, tea, and red wine. This stain resistance ensures a long-lasting and consistently bright smile.

  • Minimally Invasive 

The process of getting dental veneers from your Reno dentist is relatively minimally invasive compared to some other cosmetic dentistry options. Your dentist will typically remove a small amount of enamel from the front surface of the teeth to accommodate the veneers. This makes the procedure less uncomfortable and allows for a quicker recovery compared to more extensive treatments.

Cons of Dental Veneers

  • Irreversible 

While the removal of enamel is minimal, the process of getting dental veneers is irreversible. Once the natural enamel is removed, it cannot be restored. This means that if you later decide to remove the veneers, your teeth will always require some form of restoration, such as dental crowns.

  • Financial Investment

Dental veneers can be a significant financial investment. The cost varies depending on factors such as the material used, the dentist’s expertise, and the number of veneers needed. It’s crucial to consider your budget and explore financing options if necessary before committing to the procedure.

  • Sensitivity

Some individuals may experience increased tooth sensitivity after getting dental veneers. While this sensitivity is usually temporary, it can be uncomfortable for some. It’s essential to discuss this potential side effect with your dentist in Reno and consider whether it’s a trade-off you are willing to make for a more beautiful smile.

  • Limited Lifespan

While dental veneers are durable, they are not permanent. On average, veneers last around 10 to 15 years before requiring replacement. This means that individuals opting for veneers should be prepared for potential future maintenance and replacement costs.

Dental veneers can be a fantastic option for those seeking a cosmetic transformation of their smile. The key lies in understanding the pros and cons, and weighing them against your individual preferences, budget, and long-term commitment. Consulting with a qualified dentist who specializes in cosmetic dentistry is crucial to making an informed decision that aligns with your goals for a brighter, more confident smile in the New Year.

How Quickly Can You Whiten Your Teeth? 

It’s incredibly common to want to have the whitest smile possible. In fact, 80% of Americans between 18 and 49 reported that they’d like to have whiter teeth. Even if you brush and floss your teeth religiously, everyday things like your morning cup of coffee can cause tooth discoloration. But the good news is that this discoloration doesn’t need to affect your teeth forever. Your dentist in Reno can whiten your teeth safely, effectively, and quickly.

The Fastest Way to Whiten Teeth

The fastest way to whiten your teeth is through a professional smile whitening treatment with your dentist. Professional whitening treatments are fast and efficient, so much so that you can see results after one hour-long appointment. Additionally, these treatments are so powerful that they can brighten teeth by several shades. Ask your dentist about tooth whitening in Reno that can give you the bright smile you’re looking for quickly. 

Other Ways to Get a Whiter Smile

Even though professional treatment is the fastest way to whiten teeth, we understand that you may be looking for more affordable alternatives. Keep in mind that you should still talk with your dentist about whitening your teeth before you invest in a product to make sure your teeth are healthy enough and that the treatment you choose will give you the results you want. Some other ways you can get a whiter smile besides a professional whitening treatment include: 

  • Whitening Strips or Trays

Another relatively quick way to brighten your smile is through over-the-counter whitening strips or trays. These treatments are affordable and effective, but the results can take some time to see. Depending on the product you choose, you may start to see changes in about 3 to four days with final results showing around day 10 or 12. Always follow the product directions and don’t overuse the treatment to help avoid reactions such as increased tooth sensitivity. 

  • UV Light Whitening

A fairly new tooth whitening option includes using a whitening gel along with a special UV light. This option is similar in cost and can give you results in about the same amount of time as strips or trays. Teeth should appear whiter in about 10-14 days if used as directed. 

  • Whitening Toothpaste

Using a dentist-recommended whitening toothpaste can work to brighten your smile, but the results may be less noticeable and it can take some time – usually about two to six weeks – if used twice a day. However, this is the most affordable option. 

Remember, not all types of tooth discoloration can be removed through smile whitening treatments. Sometimes your dentist in Reno will recommend a form of cosmetic dentistry, such as dental veneers, to give you the results you’re looking for.  

Before you embark on your smile whitening journey, schedule an appointment with your dentist to find the best whitening treatment for you. 

Celebrate The New Year With a New Smile

We have officially rung in the new year, which means all of the resolutions are in full effect. During this time, many people commit to transforming their lives. Whether they’ve resolved to eat healthier, lose weight, or stop smoking, the new year provides a fresh start and gives people a view of a better life. It’s also a time that you can resolve to work with your dentist in Reno to get a new smile that you’re proud of. 

Cosmetic Dentistry 

Did you know that more than one-third of Americans don’t like the way their smile looks? That’s a lot of people hiding their smiles behind closed lips. If you’re one of those people, you don’t have to live with a smile you’re unhappy with. Your dentist in Reno can help you find your perfect smile with cosmetic dentistry. 

Cosmetic dentistry includes various treatments that are designed to transform smiles. Whether you want to brighten your teeth or completely change the appearance of your grin, there’s a cosmetic dentistry solution that’s right for you. 

If You Want Whiter Teeth

Things like regular wear and tear, tobacco use, and even foods and drinks can take a once bright, white smile and make it dull and discolored. In fact, tooth discoloration is one of the most common complaints of dental patients. But there’s good news. Most tooth discoloration can be fixed through teeth whitening. While there are many teeth whitening products available, not all products will give you the result you want and there may be some that aren’t high quality. We always recommend meeting with your dentist before starting a smile whitening treatment on your own. 

If You Want a More Even Smile

Dental veneers are another form of cosmetic dentistry that can quickly and easily transform the look of your teeth and smile as a whole. These thin pieces of ceramic are individually custom-made to give each tooth an ideal shape and color for a totally natural look. Veneers bonded to the front surface of your teeth can cover up things such as discoloration, chips or cracks, and can even help fix uneven or overlapping teeth. 

If You Only Need a Tiny Fix 

Oftentimes there are small imperfections that are just big enough to bother you and if you could easily fix them, you would. Well, the good news is, your dentist in Reno can do just that. If your teeth are resistant to traditional teeth whitening solutions or if you have smaller chips you may be a candidate for cosmetic bonding. Your dentist will essentially cover the area with safe composite material and shape and harden it into a natural restoration. 

If You Want a Completely New Look

Patients who are unhappy with the overall appearance of their smile may want to consider a full-mouth restoration or smile makeover. This cosmetic dentistry solution combines several treatments and can completely transform your look. Your dentist will talk with you about what you’d like to achieve and develop a custom plan to make your dream smile a reality. 

Nobody should have to live hiding their smile behind their lips. Make a commitment to yourself to talk with your dentist in Reno about the best cosmetic dentistry treatment for your specific wants. You deserve a smile you love and we’d be happy to help you. 

Eat Your Way to a Whiter Smile

One of the most common things dental patients want is to get a whiter smile. Thanks to everyday things like our morning cup of coffee or tea, or the occasional glass of red wine, our teeth are constantly exposed to foods and drinks that can easily cause them to become dull or discolored. However, your dentist in Reno also knows that there are things you can eat and drink that can actually help improve the appearance of your smile. Let’s check out a few.

We know that broccoli may not be the most popular choice of vegetables, but it’s first on our list of smile whitening foods for a reason. In fact, broccoli can help improve the look of our teeth in two ways. First, the texture of raw broccoli essentially acts as a gentle scrubber and can effectively rub off surface stains. Additionally, broccoli is loaded with iron which, according to research by the European Journal of Dentistry, can protect tooth enamel from acid and keep it from wearing away. This can keep enamel tough, strong, and looking as white as ever.

Switching from veggies to fruits, apples provide similar benefits to broccoli. Raw apples, in particular, also rub away stains as we chew them thanks to their crunchy texture. Apples also contain malic acid — an enzyme that has been linked to increased saliva production. Increased saliva neutralizes acid, protects enamel, and can wash away loose stains.

Another fruit that can help with tooth stains is pineapple. This delicious fruit is loaded with bromelain. Bromelain is known to help with inflammation and is a natural cleanser. In fact, the International Journal of Dental Hygiene conducted a study that concluded that bromelain can safely and effectively remove tooth stains.

Dairy foods and drinks, including yogurt, milk, and cheese are great for oral health as well as tooth staining. Foods in this food group contain a trifecta of good stuff like calcium, vitamin D, and lactic acid. The calcium and vitamin D help keep tooth enamel strong, which also helps keep teeth looking white. The lactic acid, on the other hand, is really great at fighting off bacteria and decay. Just like broccoli and apples, hard cheeses can also scrub away surface stains.

The last thing and perhaps the most important thing that you can do to protect your oral health and keep your teeth white is to drink plenty of water,  and choose water over other beverages whenever possible. Water helps to neutralize the acid that can attack enamel, and is also really effective at rinsing away food particles. If these particles aren’t removed quickly they can lead to decay and cavities, and, in turn, tooth discoloration.

If you’re one of the many people who wish that they had a whiter smile, try getting a good dose of the foods above. It’s important to note, however, that while these foods can help whiten teeth, they may only be effective on minor surface stains. Deeper tooth staining may require a visit to your dentist in Reno. Some stains are tougher than others, and your dental team will be able to recommend the best smile whitening treatment for your specific case. Don’t worry, there are many options available –  from professional teeth whitening to cosmetic dentistry – that can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted.

All About Orthodontics

At our dental office in Reno, we’re honored to take care of your family’s smiles. From regular cleanings, fillings, and restorative dentistry, we’re here to ensure healthy grins all around. But what happens if your teeth are crooked or overlap? Is it something to worry about? The truth is, if teeth aren’t straight and lined up correctly, we may recommend orthodontics — and for good reasons. 

Straight Teeth Are Healthier Teeth

Having a set of straight teeth can directly affect both dental health and mental health. Unfortunately, too many people are worried and bothered by crooked teeth-  which can keep them from laughing and smiling with confidence. Getting a straighter smile can transform someone’s self-esteem and boost confidence. 

Crooked teeth are also more difficult to clean properly due to the overlapping and overcrowding. When we aren’t able to properly brush and floss our teeth, our risk for decay, cavities, and even gum disease increases. If not treated quickly, these dental problems can lead to more serious concerns or need for advanced treatment, such as a root canal, fillings or a crown, and even tooth loss.  

Orthodontic issues may also lead to advanced oral health problems as well as whole-body concerns. A smile with uneven teeth can make breathing difficult and could eventually lead to sleep apnea, which is a serious problem. Many sleep apnea sufferers actually stop breathing several times a night! This alone has been linked to constant sleepiness and poor concentration at school or work. Additionally, a misaligned smile may make chewing difficult, contribute to digestive problems, and even diminish bone density in the jaw.  

Straight Teeth May Still Need Orthodontics

The main goal of orthodontics is usually to create a symmetrical, straight smile. However, there are times when a visibly straight grin still needs orthodontics. Why? The bite, or the way the teeth come together, may be off. This is known as malocclusion or a “bad bite.” If left untreated, a misaligned bite could result in pain and long-term complications. It’s best to get an evaluation from your dentist in Reno so that any potential problems are caught and treated before they have a chance to turn into large issues including:

  • Increased risk for chipped teeth
  • Speech impairment in kids
  • Severe headaches
  • Damage to tooth enamel

What Causes Crooked Teeth in the First Place?

Even though crooked teeth are incredibly common, no one thing causes them. Some of the things that can contribute to a crooked smile include: 

  • Poor habits as a child such as thumb sucking
  • Early tooth loss before an adult tooth is ready to erupt
  • A small jaw
  • Facial injury
  • Genetics
  • Mouth breathing
  • Incorrect tongue posture

If you’re unhappy with your smile or are unsure whether you or a family member could benefit from orthodontic treatment, call your Reno dentist for a checkup. Dentists are trained to identify whether a crooked grin may be troublesome and will be able to recommend the best orthodontic treatment for your individual case. 

Does A Chipped Tooth Need Cosmetic Or Restorative Work?

Your chipped tooth may be unpleasant to look at, but is the problem also a threat to your oral health? Relatively minor dental injuries can lead to some confusion. While you may be aware of its effects on your smile, it can be hard to know how much damage a relatively small chip has done to your tooth. Your Reno, NV dentist’s office can provide an examination, and determine what course of action is appropriate. They can let you know if a tooth is only in need of cosmetic dental work, or if the damage needs to be addressed through restorative dental treatmentContinue reading “Does A Chipped Tooth Need Cosmetic Or Restorative Work?”

Taking Care Of Those Unsightly Smile Flaws With Veneers

There are a number of different problems that can make a person reluctant to show off their smile. The presence of chips or cracks, developmental flaws, and discoloration can cause embarrassment and frustration. Fortunately, your Reno, NV dentist’s office can provide cosmetic smile care that addresses these different issues. When an individual wants to correct multiple issues, and ensure lasting improvements, porcelain veneers can be recommended. When you use porcelain veneers to address smile flaws, you can hide many superficial concerns with just one procedure. Your dentist can talk to you about what to expect from veneers, or any other cosmetic procedure, during a consultation. Continue reading “Taking Care Of Those Unsightly Smile Flaws With Veneers”