Making Sense Of Your Cosmetic Dental Options

making sense of your cosmetic dental options If the thought of smiling makes you self-conscious, or if you are frustrated by the appearance of a damaged tooth, you may be excited to learn about how cosmetic dentistry can help you. The field of cosmetic dentistry includes several different procedures, which can be used to address the color of your teeth, damage on a tooth, or even genetic abnormalities. Some procedures can actually take care of multiple problems at once. Because you do have several treatment options, you may be unsure of how to proceed. Knowing the relative benefits of the different procedures your dentist can perform can help make your decision easier. Continue reading “Making Sense Of Your Cosmetic Dental Options”

Taking Care Of A Chipped Or Cracked Tooth

taking care of a chipped or cracked tooth A chipped or cracked tooth can be painful, and certainly unpleasant. If you have suffered an injury that leaves a visible mark on a tooth – or an injury that mars several teeth – you may need cosmetic dental work to restore your appearance. When it comes to taking care of superficial damage, you have options. If you want to leave with a fixed smile after just one visit, you can elect to undergo a dental bonding treatment. Porcelain veneers can also be crafted to hide damage. This approach can be more expensive, and take longer to complete, but the veneers are more durable and stain-resistant than the composite resin used in dental bonding. Continue reading “Taking Care Of A Chipped Or Cracked Tooth”

Extrinsic Versus Intrinsic Discoloration

extrinsic versus intrinsic discoloration What can be done about discolored teeth? That can depend on the sort of discoloration you are talking about. Problems that affect the whiteness of your teeth are divided into two forms. The sort of discoloration that stems from stains in your enamel is known as extrinsic discoloration. This can happen thanks to the use of tobacco products, or from an accumulation of staining agents from the foods and drinks you consume. Intrinsic discoloration is something that develops within the tooth, sometimes below the enamel. One example would be a color change after a tooth injury. If your tooth responds to trauma by creating more dentin, it will appear darker. It can be a reaction to certain medications or treatments. Understanding what sort of problem is affecting your teeth will inform your dentist on what cosmetic dental procedure will be the most appropriate. Continue reading “Extrinsic Versus Intrinsic Discoloration”

Are You Ready For A Cosmetic Dental Procedure?

are you ready for a cosmetic dental procedure Have you thought about making changes to your smile with a cosmetic dental treatment? Do you feel ready to undergo a procedure? To answer these questions, you will need to determine what procedure will offer the results you want, and have your dentist confirm that you are a good candidate for it. Cosmetic work can have different degrees of involvement, depending on what you select. For instance, if you receive porcelain veneers, your teeth will undergo preparation to have the veneers fitted on them. Other procedures will not require these modifications to your enamel. Continue reading “Are You Ready For A Cosmetic Dental Procedure?”

The Long-Term Benefits Of Porcelain Veneers

long-term benefits of porcelain veneers It would be surprising to find someone who hopes that the improvements gained from a cosmetic dental treatment will be short-lived. If you seek professional help in improving your smile, you presumably want those results to last. One reason so many patients will elect to receive porcelain veneers is that they provide a long-term improvement. The porcelain material used to create veneers is durable enough to stay in good condition for a long period of time. They are stain-resistant, and intended as a permanent addition to your smile. Continue reading “The Long-Term Benefits Of Porcelain Veneers”

The Advantage Of Comprehensive Dentistry

advantage of comprehensive dentistry When you seek treatment at a comprehensive dentistry practice, you can feel confident that your dentist can provide whatever treatments are needed to give you the best possible oral care. Over time, you may find yourself in need of different services, with different priorities. For instance, you may have healthy teeth, but find yourself wanting to improve their appearance. You can undergo cosmetic dental work to have your best possible smile. If your oral health is complicated due to periodontal issues, your dentist can also help take care of this problem. When your dentist can do more, you can feel more confident that your oral health is receiving the full care and attention it deserves. Continue reading “The Advantage Of Comprehensive Dentistry”

Helpful Habits For Preserving Your Smile After Cosmetic Work

helpful habits for preserving your smile after cosmetic work You may love the results of a cosmetic dental treatment, but if you take poor care of your teeth after receiving it, you could tarnish your improved look. Taking care of your teeth is always important if you want to enjoy good oral health, and cosmetic procedures are intended to have long-lasting results. However, it is possible to cause your teeth to become discolored after having them whitened, and material applied to your teeth to improve your appearance can sustain damage. After undergoing any work that is meant to improve your appearance, you should talk to your dentist about how you can best preserve your results. Continue reading “Helpful Habits For Preserving Your Smile After Cosmetic Work”

Comprehensive Care From Your Dentist

comprehensive care from your dentist There are a range of problems that can threaten your teeth, but a comprehensive dentist can provide a variety of services to keep them in good condition. The most immediate concern you should have is for the health of your teeth. Is your smile free of cavities? Are you dealing with gum disease? Your dentist can offer important help to sustain your best oral care. If you are worried about how your smile looks, your dentist can provide cosmetic treatments to put you in reach of your ideal smile. Continue reading “Comprehensive Care From Your Dentist”

Should I Avoid Certain Foods If I Have Porcelain Veneers?

should I avoid certain foods if I have porcelain veneers Because your porcelain veneers are meant to provide a long-lasting improvement to your smile, you will want to keep them in the best possible condition. Do you know how to care for veneers? Are you aware of the potential threats they face? You should care for your veneers the way you cared for your teeth, with routine at-home maintenance. A non-abrasive toothpaste can be useful for avoiding scuffs and scrapes that might diminish their appearance. The porcelain used to make your veneers is stain-resistant, which helps guard them against taking on stains from what you eat. However, you are still encouraged to exercise caution. Over time, dark beverages such as red wine, coffee, and tea can start to discolor them. Unfortunately, while cosmetic whitening agents can restore the whiteness of your teeth, they are not effective on veneers. Continue reading “Should I Avoid Certain Foods If I Have Porcelain Veneers?”

Making Plans To Undergo A Full Mouth Reconstruction

making plans to undergo a full mouth reconstruction If you have allowed problems with your oral health to accumulate, you may need to undergo a series of treatments before you can enjoy real restoration. Your problems can also be a combination of cosmetic and health-related issues. By seeking a full mouth reconstruction, you and your dentist can coordinate on a plan to put you through the necessary treatments you need. After determining what procedures you require, and working out a schedule for administering them, you and your dentist can begin working to you return you to good health. Continue reading “Making Plans To Undergo A Full Mouth Reconstruction”