3 Reasons To Opt For Cosmetic Bonding And Contouring

3 reasons to opt for bonding and contouring What should you do about a tooth that is improperly formed? What about a tooth that has an unsightly appearance thanks to an accident? If your smile is inhibited because you have a tooth that is a poor size, shows damage, or is otherwise detrimental to your appearance, cosmetic bonding and contouring can benefit you. In a single visit your dentist can reshape your tooth, hide imperfections, and even mask discoloration that cosmetic teeth whitening agents will not treat. These treatments are effective cosmetic procedures that can tackle a range of tooth problems. Continue reading “3 Reasons To Opt For Cosmetic Bonding And Contouring”

3 Benefits of Bonding And Contouring

3 benefits of bonding and contouring Because people have a variety of needs when it comes to addressing how their smile looks, cosmetic dentistry offers several treatments. If you have a tooth that has suffered evidence of physical damage, or has an unusual shape or color, dental bonding and contouring can often remedy these issues in a single visit. These treatments can be a simpler, less costly procedure than receiving porcelain veneers, or a dental crown, to address a problem tooth. They can also be used to correct a number of different esthetic issues. Continue reading “3 Benefits of Bonding And Contouring”

Bonding And Contouring Provide Precise Cosmetic Work

bonding and contouring for precise fixes Dental bonding and contouring can remedy the esthetic flaws of a particular tooth. If your smile is marred by a tooth that is misshapen, discolored, or has suffered physical damage, these cosmetic treatments can cover visible imperfections, and bring that tooth into harmony with the rest. It should be noted that if a tooth has been affected by ongoing issues, your dentist will need to perform any necessary restorative treatments before performing cosmetic treatments. Bonding and contouring can typically be performed in a single visit. Continue reading “Bonding And Contouring Provide Precise Cosmetic Work”

What’s the Scoop on Cosmetic Bonding and Contouring?

The Scoop on Cosmetic Bonding and Contouring Have you been interested in cosmetic dentistry for a while now, but can’t seem to track down the ideal treatment? Perhaps you’re concerned about the cost of cosmetic treatment, like porcelain veneers, or the time it will take to achieve the smile you desire. Have you heard about cosmetic bonding or contouring? What about the ways they can enhance your smile? If you’d like to get the inside scoop on how these simple treatments can drastically improve your smile, you have come to the right place. Continue reading “What’s the Scoop on Cosmetic Bonding and Contouring?”

Have You Bonded With Your Dentist?

resinc Over the years your dentist becomes a good friend. They keep up with your family. They give you advice about your oral and dental health. They educate you on the dental treatments and procedures available. They take into consideration your finances and suggest treatments that may be friendlier to your pocket book. They are concerned for your well-being both as a doctor of dentistry and as a person. One treatment that is more affordable yet can perform dramatic results is dental bonding. Perhaps you and your dentist can bond over dental bonding.

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Easy Ways To Refresh Your Smile

thwh Are you thinking of a smile makeover but don’t have the time or money for complex procedures? There are a variety of dental treatments available today that run the gamut from involved and expensive to quick, easy, and less expensive. If you’re thinking of updating your smile but wish there were simple and easy ways that won’t break the bank, then your wish has come true. In today’s blog we discuss some easy ways to refresh your smile.

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Quiz: How Do I Repair a Chipped Tooth?


Have you ever suffered a chipped tooth? Our teeth can become damaged due to injury, possibly from playing sports or even biting down on a piece of ice or hard candy. What do you do when faced with a broken tooth? Dr. Evans and Dr. Wager explain how to address a damaged tooth and discuss our restorative treatment options.

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Cosmetic Bonding

comp As cosmetic dentistry becomes more sophisticated more and more treatments become available. For instance there are several ways to replace a tooth and there are several ways to fix a tooth. Some are less invasive than others and some are more expensive than others. Today, your Reno dentistsDr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans will discuss one of the easiest, least invasive, and least expensive cosmetic procedures for fixing a damaged or discolored tooth–cosmetic bonding.

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The Benefits of White Dental Fillings

smile reno 2 When you think of a dental filling, what image comes to your mind? If it is a silver spot in the midst of a white tooth, you may be excited to learn that many dentists, including your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans, are leaving silver (amalgam) fillings behind in favor of white dental fillings made out of a material called composite resin. Durable and tooth-colored, composite resin is also used in a treatment called cosmetic bonding, which can repair and resurface teeth. The material, therefore, is very durable and produces excellent cosmetic results. In fact, composite resin can be tinted to match the exact shade of the tooth or teeth to which it is being applied, meaning your dental filling will not detract from your smile.

In addition to the improvements they produce in cosmetic results, white dental fillings require the removal of less of the tooth’s structure than do amalgam fillings. They also make a great option for people with mercury sensitivities as they contain no mercury whatsoever (unlike amalgam fillings). Lastly, composite resin fillings are not made of metal and thus do not carry the same risk for cracking and leaking as they age. Continue reading “The Benefits of White Dental Fillings”

Reno Cosmetic Dentists Can Enhance Your Smile

great smile reno Is there something about your smile that you’ve always wanted to change? Perhaps your teeth are dull or stained. Or perhaps there is a slight chip in one of your teeth. Whatever your cosmetic dental needs, your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans, can help. To learn about the many cosmetic procedures they offer, consult the list below. Continue reading “Reno Cosmetic Dentists Can Enhance Your Smile”