Did You Know? Gum Disease Can Cause Tooth Loss

did you know gum disease can cause tooth loss What would you assume to be the leading cause of tooth loss for adults? You might be surprised to know that advanced gum disease is chiefly responsible for this condition. Periodontitis is the name given to advanced stage gum disease. When an infection progresses to this point, it can do consequential harm to your gums, and the tissue around your tooth sockets. Your tooth support can be weakened to the point where they need to be extracted, or will fall out on their own. If you suspect that you have gum disease, you should inform your dentist. A periodontal treatment can help reverse the course of this condition, and keep your oral health under control. Continue reading “Did You Know? Gum Disease Can Cause Tooth Loss”

Spotting Symptoms Of Gum Disease

spotting symptoms of gum disease There are several signs that your gums have recently developed an infection, but pain is NOT one of them. Gum disease is referred to as asymptomatic, which means it is not a painful affliction. So how do you determine if you have it? Check your gums for any sign that they are swollen, or if they seem more red than usual. The absence of pain does not mean that gum disease treatment can be avoided. Over time, an infection can do real damage to your oral health. In fact, advanced gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss for adults. A periodontal treatment from your dentist can help you address this condition, and return your oral health to normal. Continue reading “Spotting Symptoms Of Gum Disease”

Oral Health Means Healthy Gums, Too

oral health means healthy gums, too A healthy mouth is more than just a cavity-free set of teeth. The bacteria that cause tooth decay can also cause problems for your gum line. While it may not cause pain, gum disease can cause your gums to bleed, or make them appear red and swollen. Gum disease can also contribute to bad breath. You can defend against gum disease by keeping up with smart oral care. Brushing and flossing regularly can eliminate bacteria that cause gum disease. Visits to your dentist can also help. If it is left unchecked, gum disease can lead to the loss of teeth, and may increase your risk for serious health problems, like heart disease. Continue reading “Oral Health Means Healthy Gums, Too”

Chronic Bad Breath Can Be A Sign Of Gum Disease

chronic bad breath can be a sign of gum disease While you might expect to have bad breath after eating foods with a strong odor, chronic bad breath can be worrisome. It can be a source of embarrassment, and a sign that something might be physically wrong. Chronic bad breath may indicate gum disease. Gum disease occurs when the bacteria in your mouth infiltrate your gums, which can cause a range of symptoms. Your dentist can identify symptoms of gum disease, and can offer assistance in treating this condition. It is important to remedy gum disease, as its advanced stages can put you at risk for tooth loss. Continue reading “Chronic Bad Breath Can Be A Sign Of Gum Disease”

Maintaining Healthy Gums

maintaining healthy gums Oral health is a measure of more than just the health of your teeth. The bacteria in your mouth can cause you to develop gum disease, which can cause several unpleasant symptoms. Maintaining good preventive habits, like brushing and flossing, and keeping regular appointments with your dentist, can lower your risks for gum disease. If you are worried you might have issues with your gums, you should talk to your dentist, as more advanced problems with your gums can lead to serious complications with your oral health. Continue reading “Maintaining Healthy Gums”

Spotting And Treating Gum Disease

Spotting and treating gum disease Maintaining healthy gums is essential to your overall oral health. When plaque builds up in your mouth, the bacteria can affect your gums, leading to gum disease. This can cause them to become swollen and prone to bleeding, can affect your breath, and can cause pain. Left untreated, your gums can weaken and recede from teeth, leaving you vulnerable to tooth loss. If you are exhibiting symptoms of gum disease, you should visit your dentist for diagnosis and treatment of this issue. Continue reading “Spotting And Treating Gum Disease”

Do Your Gums Bleed?

bleedingums Do your gums bleed? If so, you may be suffering from periodontal disease. Periodontal disease has been linked to several other chronic diseases including high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, dementia, and impotence among men. If you have periodontal disease it is important that you get it treated. Gingivitis–the mildest stage of periodontal disease–is reversible, but once you develop periodontitis–the severest stage of the disease–it is non-reversible and harder to treat. Bleeding gums are a result of periodontal disease, but there are other reasons your gums may bleed. Read on to find out why your gums might bleed.

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How to Take Care of Your Oral Health During the Holidays

holidays The holidays are a busy time of year. There is so much to do, so many things to remember, that’s it’s easy to forget to take care of your oral health. However, the holidays are the worst time to ignore your oral health because it is a time when you eat and drink the exact things that cause cavities and other oral health problems. Learn how to take care of your oral health during the holiday season by taking your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans’ true or false quiz below.

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Healthy Gums

gumdis Your teeth are important and so are your gums. After all, your teeth are held in your mouth by your periodontal ligaments and gingival tissue. If your gums become diseased your teeth will fall out. Today your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans discuss how to treat periodontal disease and retain healthy gums.

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Tongue FAQs

bb There is a lot of mixed information out there about your tongue. The fact is, your tongue is a very interesting part of your body.  Today, your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans  answer some questions about your tongue and it’s affect on your oral health.

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