How to Take Care of Your Oral Health During the Holidays

holidays The holidays are a busy time of year. There is so much to do, so many things to remember, that’s it’s easy to forget to take care of your oral health. However, the holidays are the worst time to ignore your oral health because it is a time when you eat and drink the exact things that cause cavities and other oral health problems. Learn how to take care of your oral health during the holiday season by taking your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans’ true or false quiz below.

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Healthy Gums

gumdis Your teeth are important and so are your gums. After all, your teeth are held in your mouth by your periodontal ligaments and gingival tissue. If your gums become diseased your teeth will fall out. Today your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans discuss how to treat periodontal disease and retain healthy gums.

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Tongue FAQs

bb There is a lot of mixed information out there about your tongue. The fact is, your tongue is a very interesting part of your body.  Today, your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans  answer some questions about your tongue and it’s affect on your oral health.

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The Role of the Dental Hygienist

hyg You visit your dentist twice yearly and may have become pretty good friends with your hygienist. Do you ever wonder what he or she does besides clean your teeth? What other responsibilities do dental hygienists have? Take your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans, true or false quiz to find out what you know about the role of the dental hygienist.

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Types Of Gum Disease

young woman in thought Gum disease or periodontal disease can be a serious health issue for people who are unaware of the problem and unknowingly allow it to continue unchecked. Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans have years of experience helping their patients fight gum disease. Continue reading “Types Of Gum Disease”

What Do You Know About Bad Breath?

badbreath The name for chronic bad breath is halitosis. The name is derived from the Latin word halitus (breath) and the Greek suffix –osis (which can mean ‘a condition of’ or ‘diseased’). Therefore, halitosis taken literally means diseased breath. Research indicates that 80 million people suffer from halitosis. Take the quiz below and see how much you know about bad breath.

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Why Dental Cleanings Are Important

floss toothbrush Maintaining a brilliant smile takes work. Dental care is imperative to your overall oral health. Dr. Wager and Dr. Evans treat patients to prevent major dental problems by performing professional examinations and dental cleanings. Continue reading “Why Dental Cleanings Are Important”

Dentistry for Seniors

senior citizen

A common misconception is that tooth loss is caused by aging. The truth is, tooth loss is the result of gum disease. Teeth are meant to last a lifetime and can, barring extenuating circumstances, with routine dental checkups and proper home care. However, aging does have an indirect affect on teeth, presenting seniors with a unique set of oral health issues. Continue reading “Dentistry for Seniors”

The Highlights of Gum Disease

woman with worried look Gum disease, or periodontal disease, affects over 70% of adults over the age of 65 in the United States, and is the leading cause of adult tooth loss. However, its widespread destruction isn’t due to difficulty in treating the condition. On the contrary, gum disease is highly preventable with proper oral care and maintenance. It can also be effectively controlled even if allowed to develop. Gum disease develops in the midst of poor oral hygiene, and is typically allowed to progress because patients often neglect to seek treatment in time. Continue reading “The Highlights of Gum Disease”