Category: Preventive Dentistry
How Can I Stop Tartar From Hurting My Oral Health?
Should You Be Worried About The Condition Of Your Enamel?
Our teeth enjoy considerable protection thanks to their enamel. Enamel keeps them safe when you bite and chew, and the substance is able to resist damage caused by oral bacteria, up to a point. Unfortunately, because enamel does not consist of living cells, breakage can be permanent. However, physical trauma is not the only issue you should worry about when it comes to keeping your enamel safe. Wear and tear over time can cause layers of your enamel to erode. This can make it harder for you to keep your teeth safe from cavities, as they will have less protection. This loss of enamel can also lead to cosmetic dental troubles, as your smile may appear duller. Continue reading “Should You Be Worried About The Condition Of Your Enamel?”
How Your Oral Care Habits Can Prevent Oral Health Threats
Improving Your Defense Against Tooth Decay
Quiz: Set Your Sights On Better Cavity Prevention
Plan To Greet The New Year With A Healthy Smile
What Kind Of Cavity Risk Do You Face?
Your Dental Checkup Provides Important Smile Protection
3 Weekend-Centric Tips For Maintaining Good Oral Health