Preventive Dentistry: You’ve Got This

Winning with Preventive Dentistry Do you love the sense of accomplishment you feel after tackling a tough task? Are you energized by challenges, both at work and at home? If you love the rush of victory you feel when you’ve completed something, it is high time you schedule that dental visit you have delayed. Many people shift dental checkups to the proverbial backburner when life gets busy, but there are compelling reasons to attend regular checkups and cleanings. If you want to keep your smile healthy, stop putting off your next preventive dental visit.

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Don’t Wait Until You’re Worried to See Your General Dentist

Nervous about Preventive Care If the last time you saw the dentist, gas was under two dollars a gallon, you’re probably overdue for a checkup. Though many people mistakenly believe that they only need to schedule a dental appointment if they’re experiencing discomfort, preventive care, such as checkups and cleanings, are essential to enjoying a lifetime of oral health. Daily brushing and flossing can help prevent how much plaque buildup occurs between visits, but only a professional cleaning can remove it once it’s there. Since plaque can cause cavities, and even gum disease, there is no reason to skip out on regular, professional dental care. Continue reading “Don’t Wait Until You’re Worried to See Your General Dentist”

Your Professional Dental Cleaning

cleanings You may feel as if you take excellent care of your teeth. After all, all your teeth really need are to be brushed and flossed regularly right? Not so. No matter how diligently you think you brush and floss, in most cases your teeth will still need professional cleaning. Even if you miss the slightest bit of plaque, it can harden into tartar and once that happens it can only be removed by your hygienist. Dental exams and cleanings are preventive dentistry, and the goal is to keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime.

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What Is Preventive Dentistry?

prevention When you visit your dentist twice a year, it is not simply to get your teeth polished.  It is to prevent dental problems from developing in the future, especially problems like periodontal disease which can lead to tooth loss. Tooth loss is a person’s nightmare. Once you lose your teeth you either live with edentulism, get dentures, or get dental implants.  Dentures can be uncomfortable and implants require a complex, invasive, and expensive procedure for each tooth replaced.  That’s why you attend regular dental visits to partake in preventive dentistry.

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Do You Brush Your Teeth At Work?

travtb Some people can spend over 60 hours at work during the week. That’s more time than they spend at home. If their toothbrush and toothpaste are at home, when do they brush? How do they care for their teeth during the day? Do they even think about their teeth? Work means stress in most cases, which means their teeth are probably not a priority during the work day. It seems many people’s teeth are probably being neglected while at work. That can easily be remedied. Take the quiz below to find out how you can brush your teeth at work.  

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Stocking Stuffers For Their Smile

stockings Christmas is a perfect time to encourage your little ones, middle-sized ones, and even big ones to practice proper oral hygiene habits. There are several dental-related gifts that would be helpful to them. But today we aren’t talking about gifts. We are talking about stocking stuffers. There are several smaller-sized dental products that can help encourage your family to take care of their teeth, too, perfect for stuffing stockings. Read on for a list of stocking stuffers for their smile.

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Sweet Treats To Sidestep During the Holidays

candycanes There is no shortage of beauty during the holidays including sparkling lights, glittering decorations, and perfectly wrapped gifts. There is also no shortage of sweet treats. Sweets are one thing dentists and general practitioners suggest their patients avoid. General practitioners want their patients to avoid sweets because the processed sugar contributes to weight gain and diabetes. Dentists want their patients to avoid sweets because the processed sugars cause tooth decay. Read on to find out what sweet treats to sidestep during the holidays.                                    

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Can I Skip Brushing Before Bed?

babybrushing Everyone has skipped brushing their teeth before bed at one time or another, and if there is someone who hasn’t kudos to them! But if you’re going to skip brushing your teeth, skipping before bedtime is not a good idea. Today, your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans share some facts you should know about bedtime brushing in answer to the question: Can I skip brushing before bed?

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Adult Fluoride Treatments?

fluoridecrystal Do adults need fluoride treatments? You’re used to hearing about fluoride treatments for your children. They receive one every time they get a professional cleaning at the dentist, but what about adults? Take your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans’ true or false quiz below to see if adults need fluoride treatments.

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Dental Sealants

sealants Your dentists may have suggested sealing your child’s teeth and you may have wondered what that meant. Although dental sealants have been around since the 1960s, their existence is not that well-known. Less than one-third of American children have had their teeth sealed. Today, your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans discuss dental sealants.

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