Quiz: What Takes Place During Cavity Treatment

When you experience a cavity, your dentist has no choice but to remove the portion of your tooth where decay is located. This is necessary because the damage of a cavity is permanent, and total removal is required to save the remaining tooth structure. In order to address this loss, your dentist will offer a restoration to keep your tooth in good condition. Smaller cavities typically lead to the placement of a dental filling. For decay that has done more harm, a dental crown can be required. One major concern when it comes to decay is the infiltration of bacteria into your pulp. This creates problems for the tooth’s living tissue, and can lead to serious complications. Continue reading “Quiz: What Takes Place During Cavity Treatment”

Using A Dental Filling To Address A Cavity

A dental filling is used after a cavity is removed to restore your tooth. Unfortunately, there is no way to save the portion of your tooth upset by spreading decay, and your dentist must remove it completely. To make up for this loss of material, a filling is put in place. By using composite resin, your dentist can provide you with a restoration that is bonded to your tooth. You also benefit from the appearance of your filling, as composite resin can closely match your surrounding enamel. Continue reading “Using A Dental Filling To Address A Cavity”

Is It Time To Replace Your Dental Crown?

Your dental crown should provide protection and support for a tooth for many years. Your tooth will need that extended care. Once damage that requires restorative dental work occurs, the harm is essentially permanent. If you start to notice your crown looking worn down, or if it feels as if its fit is less secure, you can discuss concerns with your dentist. Upon review, they may determine that your crown needs to be replaced. This can also be a necessary step when your restoration suffers damage. Continue reading “Is It Time To Replace Your Dental Crown?”

Stopping A Serious Cavity Threat With A Root Canal Treatment

If enough time passes, a cavity can begin causing you serious trouble. This is because decay continually grows once it takes hold, and moves through the layers of a tooth. Once decay hits your pulp, you can start to suffer from an infection of that tooth’s living tissue, which can be quite uncomfortable. To address decay at this stage, your dentist will have to perform a root canal treatment. What you should understand is that if you forgo a root canal, or continue to delay the procedure, you face the risk of losing your tooth. Bacteria can also spread through the root, and travel to your jawbone, and cause more problems. After this restorative treatment is performed, your dentist can make sure your tooth is protected by fitting it with a dental crown. Continue reading “Stopping A Serious Cavity Threat With A Root Canal Treatment”

Quiz: Dealing With Tooth Decay And Gum Disease

What does it mean to have a healthy mouth? You might be tempted to say that a healthy smile is simply one that is cavity-free, but you should keep in mind that gum disease can also be a serious oral health threat. Fortunately, you can protect your gums with the actions you take to protect your teeth. Brushing and flossing will eliminate oral bacteria – by removing these harmful agents, you prevent them from infiltrating your gums, and requiring some form of periodontal treatment. In the case of tooth decay and gum disease, prompt restorative dental care is important. These conditions will grow in severity, and you can find yourself dealing with a more complicated dental trouble. Continue reading “Quiz: Dealing With Tooth Decay And Gum Disease”

Using A Dental Bridge To Solve The Problems Of Tooth Loss

It only takes the loss of one tooth to undermine your typical dental function. Those changes to biting, chewing, and speaking can tax your jaw, and can even lead to TMJ issues that cause you chronic discomfort. You also face the possibility of losing neighboring teeth! All of these issues can be sources of real frustration – and of course, they all occur in addition to the effect tooth loss has on your appearance. A dental bridge provides a permanent solution to the problem of a missing tooth. Your replacement is secured by two dental crowns, meaning you can have your smile back, while also enjoying functional advantages. Continue reading “Using A Dental Bridge To Solve The Problems Of Tooth Loss”

Early Cavity Treatment With A Dental Filling

When it comes to cavity treatments, timing matters. Once tooth decay forms a cavity on your tooth, its spread will continue until something is done about it. When your dentist steps in early, they can remove the isolated area of decay, and restore what had to be removed with a dental filling. That filling can blend in with your tooth to the point that your smile should be unaffected by its presence. Of course, the restoration is meant to do more than just provide cosmetic support. It also adds support to your tooth, so that its ability to bite and chew is not compromised by the cavity. Continue reading “Early Cavity Treatment With A Dental Filling”

How A Dental Crown Protects A Damaged Tooth

Dental damage poses a unique problem for patients – your teeth will not heal on their own. A bruise will fade over time, and a bone, after receiving necessary care, will recover properly. Unfortunately, a cracked or seriously chipped tooth will not repair itself over time. If the structural integrity of your tooth is threatened, either from an injury, or from a serious cavity (particularly one that calls for a root canal treatment), your dentist can provide help with a dental crown. Dental crowns provide full coverage, and take on the stress endured from biting and chewing. Appearance-friendly materials can provide you with a crown that does not disrupt your smile. Continue reading “How A Dental Crown Protects A Damaged Tooth”

Taking Action Against A Persistent Toothache

A persistent toothache is more than just a nuisance – it can indicate that an issue with your tooth needs to be addressed. Many people suffer tooth pain because that tooth has developed what is known as an endodontic issue, which means it is experiencing an internal problem. This can happen when a cavity has grown to the point that bacteria has been able to infect the living tissue within your tooth. A root canal treatment can put a stop to this problem, and eliminate related tooth pain. If you ignore pain or sensitivity, you can face a risk for suffering a potentially serious dental issue. Continue reading “Taking Action Against A Persistent Toothache”

When Is A Full Mouth Reconstruction Necessary?

At what point is a full mouth reconstruction called for? If you keep up with regular care at home, and see your dentist for preventive appointments, you should avoid needing much more than the occasional restorative dental treatment to take care of a problem. However, if you allow problems with your smile to build up, you may need to arrange a more involved plan for dental care. Your dentist can work with you on that plan, by outlining what sort of care you need, and helping you schedule those treatments in a way that fits your needs, and your budget. One reason to rely on the services of a comprehensive dentist is that you can have a variety of work done through them, rather than having to seek out help from different practitioners. Continue reading “When Is A Full Mouth Reconstruction Necessary?”