When Is A Full Mouth Reconstruction Necessary?

At what point is a full mouth reconstruction called for? If you keep up with regular care at home, and see your dentist for preventive appointments, you should avoid needing much more than the occasional restorative dental treatment to take care of a problem. However, if you allow problems with your smile to build up, you may need to arrange a more involved plan for dental care. Your dentist can work with you on that plan, by outlining what sort of care you need, and helping you schedule those treatments in a way that fits your needs, and your budget. One reason to rely on the services of a comprehensive dentist is that you can have a variety of work done through them, rather than having to seek out help from different practitioners. Continue reading “When Is A Full Mouth Reconstruction Necessary?”

A Comfortable Experience During Involved Dental Care

The prospect of a more involved restorative dental treatment can put some patients ill at ease. Just the thought of spending more time stuck in the dentist’s chair can create anxiety for some. You should understand that your dentist will only recommend something like a root canal treatment if the condition of your tooth is serious. Putting off this treatment can mean spending more time with tooth pain, and allowing decay more time to do damage. To help manage potential discomfort and anxiety, your dentist can rely on modern sedation techniques to improve your experience. Continue reading “A Comfortable Experience During Involved Dental Care”

Enjoying A Secure Dental Bridge

A dental prosthetic can correct the cosmetic issue a missing tooth causes. When you have a secure, permanently attached prosthetic, you can enjoy functional benefits as well. A dental bridge offers a means of securing a prosthetic without making oral surgery necessary. To secure the bridge, your dentist will apply two dental crowns to the teeth on each side of where your pontic (replacement tooth) will go. Those crowns hold the prosthetic stable enough to allow you to use it when biting and chewing. The bridge is made with lifelike materials, and is custom-fitted to comfortably fit you. Continue reading “Enjoying A Secure Dental Bridge”

How Will I Look After I Receive A Dental Crown?

Your appearance can be heavily influenced by your smile, which is one reason dental problems can lead to anxiety. What will you look like after a restorative dental treatment? Will your smile appear the same, or will the tooth that received work stand apart? Because it will cover your tooth to the gum line, your dental crown can obviously be prominently visible. That being said, the use of porcelain to craft your crown can mean that your restoration will easily fit into its surroundings, and your smile will remain in good condition. If your tooth’s issues had an adverse effect on its appearance, that crown can actually wind up having a positive effect. Continue reading “How Will I Look After I Receive A Dental Crown?”

What To Anticipate When You Need A Root Canal Treatment

what-to-anticipate-when-you-need-a-root-canal-treatment Imagine yourself in your dentist’s chair, hearing the news that you will need a root canal treatment. You could have any number of reactions, but it is doubtful that you would find yourself excited by this information. While it may carry an unpleasant reputation, root canal therapy offers important care for a vulnerable tooth. Your dentist uses this treatment method to settle endodontic problems, which can pose serious threats to your oral health if left untreated. Your dentist can offer anesthetic, or dental sedation, to help ensure you have the most comfortable treatment possible. During the procedure, your dentist will carefully remove infected tissue from within your tooth, then seal up the accessed area. After this work is completed, you will receive a dental crown. Continue reading “What To Anticipate When You Need A Root Canal Treatment”

Do You Need Full Mouth Reconstruction?

evans-reconstruction Often, we encounter people with serious oral health concerns, but who have avoided treatment for years. The rational was that they required so many different treatments, they were beyond help, but eventually broken down and saw a dentist due to discomfort. Fortunately, in these cases we can address multiple problems with a full mouth reconstruction. Do you need a full mouth reconstruction?

Continue reading “Do You Need Full Mouth Reconstruction?”

Determining How Your Cavity Should Be Treated

determining-how-your-cavity-should-be-treated You may not realize when a cavity develops on a tooth, but once decay penetrates the tooth’s interior, the discomfort you experience can be a big indicator that something is wrong. A cavity at this stage will need a root canal treatment. In other scenarios, patients can be surprised to find out they have a cavity during a routine dental appointment. Your dentist will determine what sort of restoration is needed based on how large the cavity has become. A dental filling offers discreet and effective support, but some teeth will need more support. If a cavity has done more damage, a dental crown can be called for. Continue reading “Determining How Your Cavity Should Be Treated”

Your Oral Health After A Dental Filling

your-oral-health-after-a-dental-filling Your dental filling will take care of your tooth after a cavity, and – thanks to composite resin – it can avoid altering how you look. Your dentist will rely on a dental filling when you need to restore a tooth that has had a smaller cavity removed. If the cavity is too large, your needs can be better met by a dental crown. That being said, your dentist can replace lost enamel after a cavity with a composite resin filling. This will close up any exposure left by the treatment, and help ensure your tooth is strong enough to function as effectively as before your cavity. Continue reading “Your Oral Health After A Dental Filling”

Your Oral Health After Receiving A Dental Crown

your-oral-health-after-receiving-a-dental-crown A dental crown is available when patients need serious protection for their tooth. Unlike a dental filling, which is placed in a specific area that needs support, a crown will cover the whole of your tooth. What would call for this sort of support? Some patients will need a crown after experiencing a cavity that does more damage than a filling can address. It can also be necessary after a physical injury. Your crown is strong enough to be used for standard biting and chewing, so you will not be compromised by its presence. When you receive a porcelain crown, you can enjoy this support without a notable change to your looks. Continue reading “Your Oral Health After Receiving A Dental Crown”

3 Pieces Of Helpful Information About Cavity Treatment

3-helpful-pieces-of-information-about-cavity-treatment A better understanding of what it takes for your dentist to take care of a cavity, and restore your tooth, can help you appreciate the importance of seeking help for tooth decay. One important consideration is the impact waiting to take care of a problem can have. To put it simply, when you delay seeking help, you allow your cavity to keep growing. That can mean the amount of material lost to decay will be more than a dental filling can reliably replace. A prompt treatment can also mean putting an end to the problem before it takes a root canal treatment to fully care for your tooth. Continue reading “3 Pieces Of Helpful Information About Cavity Treatment”