
What’s in Dental Plaque?

Posted August 29, 2011 by Wager-Evans Dental

All of your life, you’ve been told that plaque is bad. The rules are: brush twice a day, floss once a day, and go to six-month checkups and cleanings so that you can keep plaque from destroying your teeth and gums. While you know that plaque can wreak havoc on oral health, do you know (more…).

Sleep Apnea Linked to Dementia

Posted August 18, 2011 by Wager-Evans Dental

Did you know that sleep apnea increases risk for heart attack and depression? A recent study also connects sleep apnea to dementia in elderly females who experience 15 or more sleep apnea episodes per hour. Sleep apnea is a lapse in breath during sleep. The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive, or OSA. (more…).

Do You Know the Signs of Oral Cancer?

Posted August 13, 2011 by Wager-Evans Dental

Michael Douglas recently battled oral cancer, but thankfully, he seems to have recovered quite well. Until hearing about his situation, many Americans hadn’t thought much about oral cancer. You might find these statistics quite startling: Oral cancer claims more than 8,000 Americans, that’s one person every hour of every day, each year. This year, approximately (more…).

What can dental implants do for you?

Posted August 10, 2011 by Wager-Evans Dental

Ask yourself the following questions: Do I need a dependable replacement for lost teeth? Do I value conservative dental solutions? Are my dentures loose, or do they slip? Am I tired of hassling with denture maintenance? Do I want to reclaim a beautiful, solid, fully functional smile? If you answered yes to any of these (more…).

Give Summer Boredom the Brush-Off (Part 2)

Posted July 26, 2011 by Wager-Evans Dental

It’s the middle of summer, which means your kids need plenty of activities to keep them busy during the day. You surely love having more time to spend with your children, but you might also be pulling your hair out looking for something to keep them occupied. We will tell you how to make some (more…).

Bonding and Contouring: The Finishing Touch for Your Smile

Posted July 21, 2011 by Wager-Evans Dental

Do gaps, chips, or misshapen teeth mar your otherwise gorgeous smile? Cosmetic bonding and contouring can correct those flaws to bring out the full potential of your smile. Dr. Brian Evans and Dr. William Wager, cosmetic dentists, perform bonding and contouring procedures in their Reno, NV, dental practice. What is Cosmetic Bonding? Cosmetic bonding involves (more…).

Give Summer Boredom the Brush-Off (Part 1)

Posted July 14, 2011 by Wager-Evans Dental

It’s the middle of summer, which means your kids need plenty of activities to keep them busy during the day. You surely love having more time to spend with your children, but you might also be pulling your hair out looking for something to keep them occupied. We will tell you how to make some (more…).

Only You Can Prevent Gum Disease

Posted July 7, 2011 by Wager-Evans Dental

Did you know that 80 percent of adults in the United States have gum disease, and the condition can cause major oral and systemic health issues? Luckily, gum disease is preventable. Together, you and the dentists at Wager Evans Dental can guard your health against gum disease. Five Easy Steps to Gum Disease Prevention   (more…).

Dentures Can Restore Your Smile

Posted June 30, 2011 by Wager-Evans Dental

Studies show that by age 74, 26% of adults are missing all of their teeth. Proper dental care, including proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits, can prevent tooth loss. But if you have already lost your teeth, it poses a threat to your health and appearance. Without all of your teeth, you are not (more…).

Teeth Whitening Can Give You a Dazzling New Smile

Posted June 23, 2011 by Wager-Evans Dental

Teeth whitening is a non-invasive, efficient cosmetic dental procedure that can improve the color and brightness of your teeth. Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans offer in-office and at-home professional teeth whitening in their Reno, NV, dental practice. The Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening While over-the-counter whitening kits, strips, and toothpastes can be effective (more…).