Category: General Health
The Real Problem Of DIY Orthodontics
Quiz: Dealing With Tooth Decay And Gum Disease
Human Bites To The Hand
Digestion And Dental Health
You learned about digestion in biology; that it begins with chewing and ends with…well you know. What does that have to do with your dental health? Without teeth you can’t chew. Take our true or false quiz to find out how much you still remember about digestion and what it has to do with your dental health.
Q And A: Can Violence Rot Your Teeth?
Oral Bacteria and Illness
FAQs: Why Do We Get Toothaches?
Have you ever experienced a toothache? An aching tooth can range from mild irritant to serious discomfort. What causes a toothache to occur in the first place? By understanding the common causes of toothaches, and what you can do to potentially avoid them, you can enjoy a healthier, happier smile.
Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Dental Health
The Importance of Dental Cleaning