Is Your Toothpaste Right For You?

toothpaste1 Do you ever end up confused when trying to choose a toothpaste? With the many different brands and varieties on the market it is easy to become confused. Which toothpaste is right for you? Do you have sensitive teeth? Do you have gingivitis, periodontal disease, bad breath? Are you hoping to get your teeth a few shades whiter, or is your only concern fighting cavities? Read on to find out if the toothpaste you’re using is the right toothpaste for you.

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Keeping Warm This Winter And The Effect On Your Teeth

tea Many people don’t like the winter months because they are so cold and dreary. Other people love winter activities such as skiing, ice skating, and snowmobiling. Still other people find the winter months a cozy time to hunker down indoors and read, watch TV, spend time on their hobby, play games with family, etc. Regardless of how you choose to spend the winter, there is one thing we all have in common and that’s keeping warm. Warm beverages are a very popular way to keep warm during the winter months, but what effect do they have on your teeth?             

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Digestion And Dental Health


You learned about digestion in biology; that it begins with chewing and ends with…well you know. What does that have to do with your dental health? Without teeth you can’t chew. Take our true or false quiz to find out how much you still remember about digestion and what it has to do with your dental health.

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Did You Kiss Under The Mistletoe?

kissing1 The holidays are a festive time of year. People decorate their homes to the hilt with lights, trees, garland, and…mistletoe. There isn’t just an abundance of decorations and festivities during the holidays, there is also an abundance of bacteria being transferred from person to person by shaking hands, hugging, tasting each other’s drinks (not recommended), and…kissing. Yes, just one 10-second kiss under the mistletoe can transfer 80 million bacteria. Did you kiss under the mistletoe this holiday season?

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Dental Terms

dentdict Most likely you’ve been to the dentist twice a year for most of your life, but do you always know what your dental team is talking about? How about when you read dental blogs or articles to keep up on your oral health? Do you understand all of the technical terms? Probably not, unless you are a dentist, studying to be a dentist, are a hygienist, or studying to be a hygienist. If you haven’t studied the field of dentistry or worked in the field of dentistry then this blog is for you. Today we learn some common dental terms.

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Stocking Stuffers For Their Smile

stockings Christmas is a perfect time to encourage your little ones, middle-sized ones, and even big ones to practice proper oral hygiene habits. There are several dental-related gifts that would be helpful to them. But today we aren’t talking about gifts. We are talking about stocking stuffers. There are several smaller-sized dental products that can help encourage your family to take care of their teeth, too, perfect for stuffing stockings. Read on for a list of stocking stuffers for their smile.

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Is Morning Breath A Must?

morningbreath Even when you brush, floss, and gargle at night before going to sleep you wake up with some semblance of morning breath. It’s pretty much a given. Morning breath is a result of natural processes that take place while you sleep. Read on to find out if morning breath is a must and some of the reasons behind it.

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A Baby Born With Teeth?

natalteeth Have you ever heard of a baby being born with teeth? It doesn’t happen very often, in fact, only 1 out of every 2,000 to 3,000 births.  When a baby is born with teeth they are referred to as natal teeth or fetal teeth. In most cases, if a baby is born with teeth it is nothing to worry about. However in some cases it can be related to a medical condition. Read on to find out more about babies born with teeth.

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Do Your Gums Bleed?

bleedingums Do your gums bleed? If so, you may be suffering from periodontal disease. Periodontal disease has been linked to several other chronic diseases including high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, dementia, and impotence among men. If you have periodontal disease it is important that you get it treated. Gingivitis–the mildest stage of periodontal disease–is reversible, but once you develop periodontitis–the severest stage of the disease–it is non-reversible and harder to treat. Bleeding gums are a result of periodontal disease, but there are other reasons your gums may bleed. Read on to find out why your gums might bleed.

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What Do You Know About Milk And Cavities?

milk1 Is milk good for you or bad for you? It is high in calcium, but it also has sugar. Calcium is good for your bones, but sugar is bad for your teeth. You’ve been told for years that milk is good for your teeth and your bones. The latest is that milk can help prevent cavities. Should you believe it? Take our fun true or false quiz below to find out what you know about milk and cavities.

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