How Can I Stop Tartar From Hurting My Oral Health?

A buildup of tartar puts you at a greater risk for worrying oral health threats. This stubborn concentration of bacteria and debris can make you more likely to suffer tooth decay, and to experience gum disease. If tartar has already formed on your smile, it will take a professional cleaning from your dentist to remove the accumulation. Fortunately, you will receive this cleaning as part of your routine preventive dental care, where any problems caused by tartar can be identified, and addressed. If you want to make sure you avoid tartar formation, make sure you practice effective oral hygiene habits on a daily basis. Continue reading “How Can I Stop Tartar From Hurting My Oral Health?”

Should You Be Worried About The Condition Of Your Enamel?

Our teeth enjoy considerable protection thanks to their enamel. Enamel keeps them safe when you bite and chew, and the substance is able to resist damage caused by oral bacteria, up to a point. Unfortunately, because enamel does not consist of living cells, breakage can be permanent. However, physical trauma is not the only issue you should worry about when it comes to keeping your enamel safe. Wear and tear over time can cause layers of your enamel to erode. This can make it harder for you to keep your teeth safe from cavities, as they will have less protection. This loss of enamel can also lead to cosmetic dental troubles, as your smile may appear duller. Continue reading “Should You Be Worried About The Condition Of Your Enamel?”

How Your Oral Care Habits Can Prevent Oral Health Threats

How serious is your current risk for problems like tooth decay and gum disease? Your likelihood of developing oral health threats may be affected by genetic factors, but your habits also play a large part in your ability to prevent dental troubles. Your daily behavior certainly has an impact on how well you can protect yourself against possible cavities. If you fail to brush effectively, or find yourself routinely skipping out on flossing, you can leave harmful oral bacteria on your teeth. You can also create a risk for trouble when you fail to attend dental exams. Routine preventive care from your dentist will make it easier to keep your smile free of concerning problems. Continue reading “How Your Oral Care Habits Can Prevent Oral Health Threats”

Improving Your Defense Against Tooth Decay

What kind of steps should you take if you want to improve your current oral health care routine? Is it more important to make changes to your diet, or should you focus on how you clean your teeth? You should be making an effort to practice smart habits in both of these areas, of course, as a lapse in one can limit the effectiveness of the other. Even when you practice great daily care for your smile, you should still make sure to attend routine dental checkups. These appointments will improve your ability to prevent dental troubles from developing, while also giving you the opportunity to have any active problems identified and treated. Continue reading “Improving Your Defense Against Tooth Decay”

Quiz: Set Your Sights On Better Cavity Prevention

There are biological factors that can impact your cavity resistance. A small number of people have teeth that are naturally highly resistant to decay. Others are more prone to problems due to the condition of their enamel. While there are many factors at play when it comes to preventive dental care, you should strive to expertly manage your oral health. Improving your daily habits will help with this, as will improving your typical diet. That being said, you should not discount the role your dentist can play in defending your smile against the different threats it faces. Continue reading “Quiz: Set Your Sights On Better Cavity Prevention”

Plan To Greet The New Year With A Healthy Smile

What can you do to make sure your smile stays healthy through 2018? Everyday preventive dental care is certainly important, especially during the holidays. Of course, after we reach the new year, you will need to stay on top of your oral health needs if you want to keep your mouth free of issues like tooth decay and gum disease. Keeping up with routine care through the holidays is important, but you can make sure your smile is protected well into the year by making sure you have your routine dental appointments scheduled. Continue reading “Plan To Greet The New Year With A Healthy Smile”

What Kind Of Cavity Risk Do You Face?

If you are not experiencing active pain or sensitivity in your tooth, it is safe to assume everything is fine with your oral health…or is it? A cavity will first form at your enamel, and you may not realize when this takes place. So how do you make sure your teeth are staying healthy between preventive dental visits? Your daily oral care can have a real impact on your cavity risk. This regimen should include both brushing and flossing, to fully clean your teeth. You should also be paying attention to your diet, and keeping your sugar intake limited. Continue reading “What Kind Of Cavity Risk Do You Face?”

Your Dental Checkup Provides Important Smile Protection

Your smile’s overall health benefits from both at-home care and professional preventive dental care. Your at-home care offers you daily protection against food debris and oral bacteria. By brushing and flossing regularly, you remove these harmful items from your teeth, which is vital to protecting yourself against gum disease and tooth decay. Of course, patients who are diligent about daily oral care practices should still go in for dental checkups. At these appointments, you receive a professional cleaning that exceeds what you can do for yourself. You also have a review of your smile’s condition performed by your dentist, who can warn you about potential threats, and recognize problems that have developed that will need treatment. Continue reading “Your Dental Checkup Provides Important Smile Protection”

3 Weekend-Centric Tips For Maintaining Good Oral Health

If you have a full-time job during the week, you – like so many people – likely look forward to your weekends. These days grant us precious time away from our daily grind, and (hopefully) you enjoy some much-needed relaxation. While many responsibilities can be left to tend to between Monday and Friday, oral care is a daily concern. In order to stay on top of your preventive dental care needs, watch out for weekend habits that might put your teeth in trouble for issues like gum disease and tooth decay. Continue reading “3 Weekend-Centric Tips For Maintaining Good Oral Health”

Quiz: How Cavities Are Treated – And Prevented

Routine visits with your dentist will help you prevent cavities, and make sure you have prompt treatment for a problem whenever you need it. While preventive appointments certainly lower your risk for issues like tooth decay, they do, unfortunately, sometimes still occur. If you arrive with an issue that needs to be addressed, your dentist’s response will hinge on how serious the cavity is. When a cavity is caught early, you may only need a dental filling, but bigger cavities can demand more involved actions. With smart care and recurring appointments, you can do a better job staying free from those issues that involve more advanced restorative procedures. Continue reading “Quiz: How Cavities Are Treated – And Prevented”