That’s What Dental Plaque is Made Of
Posted September 3, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental
If you’re regular with your dental checkups, you have been told that plaque is bad. The basic oral hygiene rules include brushing teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and being diligent with six-month checkups and cleanings. This keeps dental plaque at a minimum so you don’t end up with infected teeth and gums. While (more…).
Oral Cancer Symptoms: Are you Familiar?
Posted September 2, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental
Michael Douglas is one of many public figures who has given a famous face to oral cancer. Mr. Douglas makes a fine role model for those battling the disease, because he has recovered quite well. Until hearing about a famous person’s battle with a certain type of cancer, many Americans don’t give particular malignancies a (more…).
Back to School Dental Health Maintenance
Posted September 1, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental
Though your kids may not have started back to school yet, many children across America have been at it for a couple of weeks already. School seems to make schedules a bit less loose, which can be a good thing after a lackadaisical summer. Do you have a semi-annual dental checkup on the calendar for (more…).
July 2014 Foodie-Friendly Classes and Events In Reno
Posted July 14, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental
If you truly are what you eat, don’t you think it’s best to take a smart, healthy approach to your diet? We often think of obesity and heart disease as the main consequences of eating junk food and living a sedentary lifestyle, forgetting that these unhealthy behaviors can also cause problems for your teeth and (more…).
You Can’t Use a Pore Strip on Your Teeth, But . . .
Posted July 7, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental
Nose strips and whitening strips–there’s quite a big difference there. Even so, it turns out that your skin may actually have more in common with your teeth than you might have known. Dr. Wager and Dr. Evans discuss the similarities and what you can do to avoid stained, sensitive teeth. Anatomy 101: Skin and Teeth (more…).
FAQs: Why Do We Get Toothaches?
Posted June 23, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental
Have you ever experienced a toothache? An aching tooth can range from mild irritant to serious discomfort. What causes a toothache to occur in the first place? By understanding the common causes of toothaches, and what you can do to potentially avoid them, you can enjoy a healthier, happier smile.
Quiz: Do You Have Trouble Sleeping?
Posted June 16, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental
Do you have difficulty obtaining a full night’s rest? Do you often feel exhausted throughout the day, even though you feel like you did sleep the night before? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. On fact, there’s a chance you’re one of the over ten million Americans with obstructive sleep apnea. Understanding the cause and symptoms (more…).
Celebrate Father’s Day with Special Events in Reno
Posted June 13, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental
This Sunday, we celebrate our dads with Father’s Day. In addition to picking up a card or a gift, why not spend the day doing something fun with your dad? The biggest little city in America will be hosting a number of fun activities this weekend. Enjoy a little time out with your father in (more…).
Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Dental Health
Posted June 9, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental
Poor oral hygiene has been linked in the past to heart disease and kidney disease. Now a recent study suggests that there may be a link between poor oral hygiene and a person’s chances of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Wager and Dr. Evans of Wager Evans Dental of Reno, Nevada want you to (more…).
Bridge The Gap
Posted May 29, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental
Sometimes losing one tooth doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. But losing a tooth causes a domino effect. In fact, losing a tooth affects more than just your mouth. The most direct effects of losing a tooth regard day to day living. You may have speech problems, a lisp, or sound like a (more…).