3 Dental Issues That Can Affect Aging Patients

Health changes, including changes to our oral health, can feel inevitable as we age. The care you put into your smile can certainly affect the degree of those changes. If you maintained poor oral care habits, your smile can look worn and unhealthy. Patients with advanced gum disease can find themselves dealing with tooth loss. That being said, even patients who exhibit great preventive dental habits can require help with problems that develop in your later years. If you are worried about the quality of your smile, set time to talk with your dentist. They can make sure your teeth stay healthy, and can discuss cosmetic dental treatment to preserve your appearance. Continue reading “3 Dental Issues That Can Affect Aging Patients”

Making Daily Diet Improvements That Protect Your Smile

Your teeth are exposed to risks each time you enjoy a meal. Oral bacteria will be able to feed on the sugars left behind on your teeth, and the digestive process of those bacteria can release acids that will eat into your enamel. By brushing and flossing regularly and effectively, you can remove those bacteria, and you can also remove anything left on your teeth that they can feeding on. Of course, when you pay attention to what you eat during the day, you can lower your risks. Sure, brushing and flossing are still vital, but you can lower your chances of suffering a cavity when you improve your diet. Combining smart daily care with routine dental care will help you sustain a healthy, problem-free smile. Continue reading “Making Daily Diet Improvements That Protect Your Smile”

Major Smile Improvements From Your Comprehensive Dentist

If your smile faces some major issues, the process of fully rehabilitating your teeth can take several procedures. For some patients, restoring how they look will call for a combination of restorative and cosmetic dental work, followed by a commitment to regular checkups for preventive care. Access to a comprehensive dental practice means you can arrange to undergo a variety of important services. Having a dentist who can offer a range of treatments can give you a real shot at transforming your smile, and revitalizing your oral health. Continue reading “Major Smile Improvements From Your Comprehensive Dentist”

Yes, You Should Be Flossing Regularly

If you think of flossing as a “bonus” cleaning for your teeth, or only necessary when you feel something stuck between teeth, you are losing out on important preventive dental care. Think for a moment about what your teeth enjoy when you brush. You can thoroughly clean the front of teeth, and their tops, but the spaces between teeth are difficult to address. In order to protect these areas, you should floss at least one time every day. Addressing bacteria and food debris in these spaces will mean better defense against decay, because you will be fully addressing your teeth. Removing bacteria in these spaces can also be helpful in the fight against gum disease. Continue reading “Yes, You Should Be Flossing Regularly”

Can My Age Affect My Cavity Risk?

As a person ages, years of use can cause wear and tear on teeth. Of course, this is not exactly avoidable, as it occurs inevitably when you bite and chew. What you can do is protect yourself against cavities, even as changes take place with your smile. Keeping your smile clean by brushing and flossing is vital at any age. For older patients, that care can help to protect you from an increased cavity risk created by wear and tear, or from a condition like dry mouth, which makes you more vulnerable to problems. Of course, it is certainly important to remember that your dentist is a reliable source of preventive and restorative dental care, and that routine checkups can have real value. Continue reading “Can My Age Affect My Cavity Risk?”

Knowing What Your Comprehensive Dentist Can Do For You

A dental office offering comprehensive care can provide the level of oral health care to truly protect your smile. Of course, in addition to offering the preventive and restorative dental services that supply that protection, they can also offer cosmetic dental work to make improvements, too. Your smile can face a range of different threats. Cavities are certainly something to be concerned about, but your comprehensive dentist can also address matters like gum disease, or even sleep apnea. If you want to ensure you are enjoying the full benefits of comprehensive care, make sure you attend regular checkups. These allow your dentist regular opportunities to look in on your particular needs, and help keep your smile in top shape. Continue reading “Knowing What Your Comprehensive Dentist Can Do For You”

The Real Problem Of DIY Orthodontics

An unfortunate new trend has started to develop, one that can cause serious harm to your smile. The concept of “DIY orthodontics,” the practice of attempting to correct your own teeth, has started to grow in popularity. Hopefully, you already understand why this is an ill-conceived idea. Without the training and tools at the disposal of your orthodontist, you are likely to do far more harm than good to your dental alignment when you embark on this project. Many of those who have attempted to shift their teeth without the direct involvement of their orthodontist have experienced serious dental troubles. Remember that advanced dental work is best left to the professionals, who have years of training and education behind the comprehensive oral care they provide. Continue reading “The Real Problem Of DIY Orthodontics”

Full Oral Health Protection From Your Comprehensive Dentist

When you have access to a comprehensive dental practice, you can feel confident that you can turn to your dentist’s office for whatever oral health concerns you may have. Your dentist can work with you to prevent cavities, and protect you against periodontal issues. If a problem develops, they can do the restorative work you need, too. Parents and kids alike can count on support from their comprehensive dentist. Of course, when you stay on top of your oral care needs, you can help make sure your particular needs from your dentist are limited to preserving your smile. Continue reading “Full Oral Health Protection From Your Comprehensive Dentist”

Avoiding Oral Health Troubles In Times Of Stress

During periods of stress, responsibilities can start to feel overwhelming. Longer hours at work, more social commitments, and other developments can rob us of time and energy. For some, that can lead to actions that have a negative effect on their oral health. For instance, if you find yourself frequently rushing to work in the morning, you may skip on brushing your teeth from time to time. That neglect can make it possible for tartar to form, which can increase your cavity risk. You might also be tempted to cancel a routine checkup in order to handle other affairs. While your dentist respects your time, and your commitments, you should recognize that poor oral health care can put you at risk for problems that call for restorative dental care. Continue reading “Avoiding Oral Health Troubles In Times Of Stress”

Are Soft Drinks Hurting Your Teeth?

are-soft-drinks-hurting-your-teeth Your day is riddled with small choices that can culminate with a big effect on your teeth. How much sugar did you consume? Did you take the time to brush carefully – and did you floss? At individual moments, these choices may not seem to mean much. What you should consider is that the more you make choices that neglect your oral health, the more strain you put your teeth under. One positive choice you can make is to reduce the amount of soft drinks you consume. Sodas can be a problem because they are high in sugar, and because of their acidity. Controlling how many soft drinks you drink can help you reduce the likelihood you will need restorative work from your dentist. Continue reading “Are Soft Drinks Hurting Your Teeth?”