
Types Of Gum Disease

Posted May 27, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental

Gum disease or periodontal disease can be a serious health issue for people who are unaware of the problem and unknowingly allow it to continue unchecked. Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans have years of experience helping their patients fight gum disease.

Can Whitening Products Hurt Your Teeth?

Posted May 24, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental

The teeth whitening industry generates a little over $300 million per year in revenue and with hundreds of different products – everything from brush-on whitening pens and in-office laser whitening treatments to toothpastes, mouthwashes, and strips – interested consumers have many options to choose from. Teeth whitening is the most sought-after cosmetic dental treatment for (more…).

What Do You Know About Bad Breath?

Posted May 19, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental

The name for chronic bad breath is halitosis. The name is derived from the Latin word halitus (breath) and the Greek suffix –osis (which can mean ‘a condition of’ or ‘diseased’). Therefore, halitosis taken literally means diseased breath. Research indicates that 80 million people suffer from halitosis. Take the quiz below and see how much (more…).

Dental Crowns

Posted May 13, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental

Going to the dentist can be an adventure, especially if you’re experiencing oral discomfort. Familiarity with different types of dental procedures can help.  Today’s topic is dental crowns, also referred to as caps. When you think of a crown, you might imagine a king with a gold crown covering his head. Dental crowns cover the (more…).

Dr. Evans and Dr. Wager Combine Comfort And Technology

Posted May 12, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental

Dr. Evans and Dr. Wager want you to feel comfortable while visiting our dental office. Our team understands that nearly 40 million Americans experience some form of anxiety during their lifetime, which is why we strive to provide calm and relaxing dental care. Our office permeates with friendliness and offers professional first-class care to all (more…).

Taking the Scare Out of Dental Scaling

Posted May 7, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental

What is Dental Scaling? Sounds rather medieval, right? Dental scaling might as well refer to an ancient reptile known for its large, tough hide. But it’s actually a nonsurgical, noninvasive method for treating gum disease.

Dentistry for Seniors

Posted May 2, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental

A common misconception is that tooth loss is caused by aging. The truth is, tooth loss is the result of gum disease. Teeth are meant to last a lifetime and can, barring extenuating circumstances, with routine dental checkups and proper home care. However, aging does have an indirect affect on teeth, presenting seniors with a (more…).

Why Dental Cleanings Are Important

Posted May 2, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental

Maintaining a brilliant smile takes work. Dental care is imperative to your overall oral health. Dr. Wager and Dr. Evans treat patients to prevent major dental problems by performing professional examinations and dental cleanings.

Porcelain Veneers: Natural and Attractive

Posted April 26, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental

Changing a smile you’re unhappy with is not a shallow pursuit. We all deserve to feel comfortable and confident with the way we look. There are elements of our appearance that might not be important to anyone but you. However, let’s be honest about smiles. They definitely make an impression on others. If you feel (more…).

Keep Tooth Decay at Bay

Posted April 24, 2014 by Wager-Evans Dental

Have you ever wondered what causes cavities? Many of us know cavities are caused by tooth decay, but what causes tooth decay? There are hundreds of different bacteria in our mouth, some good and others, not so much. It’s the harmful bacteria that contribute to tooth decay, as well as other dental issues like gum (more…).