Category: General Health
Reno Dentists Help You Recognize and Prevent Gum Disease
Reno Dentists Discuss Your Restoration with Dental Crowns
Reno Dentists: Test Your Knowledge with a Dental Quiz
Reno Dentists Explain the Connection Between Weight Loss and Dental Health
With summer right around the corner, people across the country are focused on losing weight and getting in shape. The best route for losing weight is diet and exercise. Not only will you boost heart health and drop unwanted pounds, but you’ll improve your dental health, as well. Your Reno family dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans, reveal how a good diet and a little exercise can strengthen your teeth.
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Reno Dentists: Your Child’s Oral Care Starts Early
Continue reading “Reno Dentists: Your Child’s Oral Care Starts Early”
Reno Dentists See Possible Connection Between Chewing and Dementia
Swedish Study Focuses on Chewing and Dementia Link Continue reading “Reno Dentists See Possible Connection Between Chewing and Dementia”
Your Reno Dentists Discuss Chewing
Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
Taking bites of food that are too big for your mouth can actually damage your jaw. This advice is particularly timely in a culture that has offered food in increasingly larger portions over the years. Hamburgers, sandwiches, and burritos, for example, are sometimes so large that they require the eater to open their mouth wider than is healthy for them. People who suffer from TMD are at particular risk, since their jaw joints are already sensitive. If an item of food forces you to open your mouth so wide that it causes discomfort, it is best to cut the food in smaller bites before eating.
Sports Bars, Energy Drinks, and Your Teeth
Harmful bacteria that attach to food lodged between your teeth weaken tooth enamel and leave you at risk for developing cavities. Sugary foods and drinks are well-known culprits of tooth decay. Many of the energy bars and drinks on the market today are high in sugar. What you may not realize is that even the brands with less sugar and more nutritious ingredients could harm your teeth. Continue reading “Sports Bars, Energy Drinks, and Your Teeth”
Tongue Trivia from Your Reno Family Dentists
Your Reno dentists, Dr. Wager and Dr. Evans, challenge you to the following tongue trivia.
1. How long is the average human tongue?
a. Three inches
b. Four inches
c. Five inches
The answer is b: four inches. That’s much more manageable than the average giraffe tongue, which usually measures a whopping 21 inches!
2. What are the bumps on the tongue called that contain the taste buds?
a. Papillae
b. Alveoli
c. Flagella
The answer is a: papillae. There are approximately 10,000 taste buds on the human tongue. Five basic tastes that the tongue can detect include salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami. The last one, umami, is from the Japanese word meaning “pleasant savory taste.” Continue reading “Tongue Trivia from Your Reno Family Dentists”