What Is A PFM Crown?

pfmcrwn There are several types of dental materials available today for each modality. For instance there are all-metal crowns, all-ceramic crowns, and porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns. Certain materials may be good for one treatment but not another. Dental materials are often chosen according to the location of the treatment, material strength, esthetics, and durability.  When deciding upon a procedure your dentist will discuss material options, and together you will decide which is best for you. Today we discuss PFM crowns.

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Why Bridge It?

DB There are a variety of procedures today to replace or save a damaged tooth or teeth. They each have their purpose and you may wonder what each treatment is best used for. Missing teeth can be a serious matter. If the space they leave is not noticeable you may be tempted to do nothing about your missing teeth. However, that could be a mistake. The open spaces left from missing teeth can cause your surrounding teeth to shift or tilt leading to crooked teeth, the underlying jawbone can begin to atrophy, and other issues can develop that could affect the alignment of your  bite, or other jaw issues. What can you do about the space? Bridge it.

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The Real Scoop on Root Canals

rootcanal Did you know that 41,000 root canal procedures are performed every day? That’s a lot. And did you know that nearly 90 percent of people who have experienced a root canal procedure were satisfied with treatment? Do you think root canals are painful? Today your Reno dentists, Dr. William Wager and Dr. Brian Evans share the real scoop on root canals.

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Are White Fillings Biocompatible?

White Teeth Couple Tooth decay is the result of a bacterial infection. The other common term for these holes in teeth is cavities. Decaying teeth which are left untreated result in very little natural tooth structure remaining. The tooth will possibly loosen and fall out, or otherwise cause an abscess or jaw infection and require extraction. That’s why when you have a cavity, it must be professionally cleaned and filled to stop the germs in their tracks. Regular cleanings and dental checkups, along with daily oral hygiene, can prevent oral infection, and identify cavities at the earliest possible stages. Continue reading “Are White Fillings Biocompatible?”

FAQs: Why Do We Get Toothaches?


Have you ever experienced a toothache? An aching tooth can range from mild irritant to serious discomfort. What causes a toothache to occur in the first place? By understanding the common causes of toothaches, and what you can do to potentially avoid them, you can enjoy a healthier, happier smile.

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Bridge The Gap

dentalbridge Sometimes losing one tooth doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. But losing a tooth causes a domino effect. In fact, losing a tooth affects more than just your mouth. The most direct effects of losing a tooth regard day to day living. You may have speech problems, a lisp, or sound like a toothless child. You will look different with a gap in your smile, which can affect your self-confidence. You may stop smiling, or hide your smile. You might not go out as much due to embarrassment. And then there is eating.  You may need to avoid certain favorite foods because you can no longer chew them. If you lost a tooth, your Reno, NV dentists, Drs. Wager and Evans, can set up a consultation to discuss your treatment options.

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Dental Crowns

dental crown Going to the dentist can be an adventure, especially if you’re experiencing oral discomfort. Familiarity with different types of dental procedures can help.  Today’s topic is dental crowns, also referred to as caps. When you think of a crown, you might imagine a king with a gold crown covering his head. Dental crowns cover the tooth, and can be gold too! There are also natural tooth colored crowns.  If you are having dental issues and are considering a dental crown, your Reno, NV dentists, Drs. Wager and Evans, will be happy to discuss your treatment options.

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Keep Tooth Decay at Bay

young guy thinking heavily Have you ever wondered what causes cavities? Many of us know cavities are caused by tooth decay, but what causes tooth decay? There are hundreds of different bacteria in our mouth, some good and others, not so much. It’s the harmful bacteria that contribute to tooth decay, as well as other dental issues like gum disease and persistent bad breath. Certain harmful microbes consume the sugars and starches in your food, converting them into acids that wear down your teeth’s defenses. The more frequently your teeth come in contact with these acids, and the longer the acids are allowed to remain on your teeth, the greater chance you’ll develop infectious tooth decay. As dedicated and caring dentists, Drs. Wager and Evans encourage you to attend routine checkups and cleanings to keep your teeth healthy and prevent tooth cavities from forming. Continue reading “Keep Tooth Decay at Bay”

How to Clean Your Partial Dentures

confident mature smile Do you sometimes reinsert your partial dentures without much of a second thought? Do you ever worry about germs that may be lurking because you are unsure if you are cleaning them thoroughly enough? Partial dentures are a highly-popular solution for replacing teeth that are lost in a nonadjacent pattern, but like all dental prostheses, their success relies on your diligent care and maintenance. Dr. Wager and Dr. Evans offer a few tips for taking better care of your partial dentures to help you keep your teeth and teeth replacements clean. Continue reading “How to Clean Your Partial Dentures”

Quiz: What Are Mini Dental Implants?


In the United States alone, 69% of adults 35 and older are missing at least one permanent tooth according to a study by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. As we age, the number often increases, with 26% of adults over 74 missing all of their teeth. Preventing further tooth loss requires quick replacement. To address missing teeth, you may consider mini dental implants.

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